
As a Tennessean, I can tell you that she is the worst. It pains me that she will likely win and continue to espouse her insanity on a larger scale.

These fuckers get elected through gerrymandering. Is there really no way to fight it in the courts? Republican, Democrat, other, whatever, I can live with the results (you can always run again) if I can be sure that at least they’re honest. This is straight up corruption and when it’s a terrible candidate that isn’t

I know, I’m from the area. It’s one of the most beautiful spots on Earth, and I genuinely, unironically adore Dollywood. But the people are fucking atrocious. They;’re the worst that America has to offer - backwards, racist, ignorant, u;tra-religious.

Fuck. I used to live in that psychopath’s district and hated every goddamned minute of it. It was made worse by the fact that not even the State Democratic Party would bother to run anyone who had any chance of winning (thanks, gerrymandering—seriously, you should look at what that fucking district looks like). If

As someone who lives in a town she represents, let me tell you that Marsha Blackburn sucks for a long list of reasons. She is bad people and more people need to know that she is bad people.

Fellow Missourian here. I hate what’s happening in this state. I never heard that we were in a financial crisis till Greitens got in. I really despise that man. He’s such a craven politician who is obviously gunning for a White House run. He was a democrat till a few years ago and now he’s a Trumpian to the nth

That’s a good one.

I mean, I guess it depends on whether you care about the women and girls currently living in Missouri and Alabama who will be negatively impacted by this state legislation. The effect for them would be the same either way, and no, not everyone has the option of relocating to California.

Are you in your parents basement? I feel like you are either a basement dweller or you got a room because they felt bad that you ate all those paint chips generated by the remodel.

Do you ever feel like our country would be better and saner if we broke off in to two to four countries? Basically let each of the 50 states hold constitutional conventions that decides how you want to be on guns, gays, abortion, taxes, education, global warming, military spending, etc and let those states form their

Current Missourian here. I want you all to wrap your heads around the fact that they spent a significant amount of time and money working on this legislation to control the ONE abortion clinic left in the state. One. ONE.

Joss Whedon did a good example of that in Firefly, the episode Objects In Space. The villain of the piece, Richard Brooks (who knocks the part out of the park) at one point asks Kylee if she’s ever been raped. That’s all he does; he ties her up but otherwise doesn’t lay a hand on her, but the threat itself just

Too much violence happens against women in the real world

I wonder, why do you think that is? I’m forever single so just wondering.

I predict he’ll be re-married within 2 years!

As a forner bartender, I hate these parties with the fire of a thousand suns. There is nothing liberating about getting obnoxiously drunk, bothering patrons by asking them to buy $2 buttons, screaming like a hot mess that never saw a dick before because “mah girlz!” The bachelor parties I encountered tended to be a

because some people want to. don’t shit on other people’s desires just cuz you think they’re outdated.

not ready to be married TOMORROW is VERY different than not wanting to get married / not wanting to marry your partner.

Dumping someone because they’re not ready to get married is a great and legit reason to dump someone. I dumped a guy who “wasn’t ready” for marriage and it was the best decision of my life. I had been dating him for 3 years tho

Or the, it happens when you aren’t looking crap. Like I’m just going to be walking down the street snd some dude is going to jump out and be magically great. And that even though I’m not looking, even though I’m not trying to engage in a relationship, because lord forgive you if you are TOO eager or show your interest