
Did someone say “thread to make us all feel better about today?”

I need this image today.

I have solid evidence that chicks love the pussy

At this point, if you even THINK about making the argument that Hillary is just as bad as Trump, please remove yourself from society and just think about what you’ve done for a while.

Right? Let’s juxtapose these two breaking news stories:

Huh. I legitimately expected them to be worse than that.

Honestly at the point Bernie was haranguing about it, I think she balked simply because at that point she still wanted to focus on issues and knowing there was no real there there.

I always figured she was fighting against the slippery slope and absurd double standard of it all, not the actual content.

It’s from WikiLeaks. WikiLeaks (and Julian Assange) hate Hillary Clinton. There is literally zero chance this is a controlled leak from her camp.

.... Why are you surprised she fought so hard against it? She wasn’t trying to hide what was in the speeches, she was fighting against the stupid double standard that had strong undertones of “how dare the uppity lady get paid lots of money to speak to a group who is willing to pay her lots of money to hear words come

I mean, if these are the the worst they’ve got...this is...not that big a deal? I dunno; I know my fellow millennials REALLY hate that she is like vaguely moderate on certain shit (sigh, but I’m not gonna get into that rn) but after today’s pussy-gate is this really gonna matter? The choices are a qualified candidate

I know. Am I missing something? Am I not smart enough to understand the issue?

Huh. I legitimately expected them to be worse than that.

As a hands on Dad this resonates with me. JujyJr is approaching 8 and needs one of us to fall asleep with him on most nights. Once he’s out, he’s done. It impacts what we watch on tv at night, but he’s rarely come into our bedroom at night except after a bad dream. Which, of course,allows him night time cuddles and

My parents apparently had similar trouble with me. So they bought me a beautiful canopy bed with beautiful pink bedding (5 year old cisgender, gender conforming girls love that shit) and when they caught me sleeping on the floor in front of their bedroom door, threatened to send it back to the store if I didn’t start

In this case it would be a changeling.

Twenty bucks says this does more damage to Billy Bush than to Trump.

I can’t really imagine that in even the most mutual, long term, consensual relationship being “grabbed by the pussy” is a positive thing.

Lol it’s New York. Not voting is a vote for Clinton.

Asians are the last refuge of the American racist. The last people they can abuse with no consequences. It truly is amazing the level of racism that is deemed acceptable to direct at Asian people the equivalent of which would grant instant pariah status were it directed at any other minority group.

The fact that they