
I enjoyed Gone Girl but I could not get into reading The Girl on the Train at all. Amy Elliott Dunne being spot on in some of her social commentary, despite being a psycho helped.  

A much better messenger. It sucks this dude is the one telling this story. That and the fact I’m personally tired of seeing glorified black torture porn are the only two reasons I’m not going to bother watching this.

He’s hardly taking a Holier Than Thou approach. All of those things were done with consenting adults, and he apologized to it. I wouldn’t marry him, but I can respect someone who says “I fucked up, and I can be garbage sometime.” That is NOT what Trump does. Trump says, “maybe I fucked up, but you’re ugly and fat and

One thing Letterman was damn good at was turning a fun interview into a dark and brutal stabbing if the mood took him.

Cry me a fucking river. This is going to happen more and more as men in traditionally overwhelmingly male industries, where they’ve been free to talk over and dismiss their colleagues, look around and notice more women running about, giving orders, getting ahead, and being taken seriously. Suck it up. Equality feels

The thing is, his supporters would REJOICE if he called her a cunt. He’d probably get a 10 point bump. It’s complete bizzarro world.

I am just so happy that he is doing the future debates. I was a little worried that he would chicken out and gain momentum again by shutting the fuck up.

Isn’t that what we had for eight years before Obama? This feels more like the guy who suddenly didn’t have failing grades the same day a new building on campus was named after his did.

I’m disturbed by how effective the “lie and deny” approach has been working for him. He should be polling at 25%.

“If you go home with somebody, and they don’t have books, don’t fuck ‘em!”

Have we ever seen his school transcripts?

This is the debate he actually, sincerely loses it, right? Like, the one where he finally drops the much anticipated C-bomb at Clinton for daring to not yield to his 12-year-old tantrum-interruptions, then storms off stage because the people in the crowd asking him real, honest questions are “not being very nice and

Trump is the college bro who brags about passing a class with a C even though he “didn’t even study.”

“I said forget debate prep. I mean, give me a break,” Trump said at one point. “Do you really think that Hillary Clinton is debate-prepping for three or four days. Hillary Clinton is resting, okay?”

I like that his deflection has rubbed off on Pence, too. Asked about foreign affairs? Say something about Clinton’s e-mails. Asked about Trump’s offensive remarks? E-mails. Asked about his record as governor? E-mails. Asked what he would like for dinner? Hillary’s e-mails. What’s your wife’s name? E-mails.

So I was just reading The Atlantic’s endorsement of Hillary just now. Obviously most of it focuses on why Trump shouldn’t be elected, and my favorite part was “he appears not to read.” I can’t wait for November to get here and see him defeated.

That’s all beside the fact that Hillary Clinton is 68, so she has been preparing for this debate for the last 50 years, at least.

Completely disagree. Backpage is a different beast and way worse than those sites. And its owners are very knowing of the content on there and refused to do anything at all to police it or shut it down. They certainly could have avoided this fate by using some of the $$ they are making to police the site and make

I was so happy to read this headline on twitter this morning. Fuck backpage and fuck these guys. I spent months searching for my teenage cousin who was abducted, scoured the pages of that filthy fucking dirty site completely horrified by the children on there, worked with sex workers (who were helping me) up and down

I see where the sex workers are coming from, if their experience of using the site was far safer than working with a pimp. At the same time, you can’t justify keeping up a site that traffics some girls and women to keep some others off the streets. These ladies need their own site where they can set up vetting