
omg I need to go call my sister now

As a former Hill staffer married to another former Hill staffer (long hours = 3 marriages from our office alone), yes to all of this. My husband gets it, but that doesn’t really make me feel any better.

I listened to their post-debate podcast and was, like you, pissed that they kept cutting off the only woman in the room AND that they didn’t acknowledge how gender shaped the way both candidates could and did present themselves. They missed a major part of the debate dynamic — that Hillary had to be calm rather than

Yeah, I wish I’d had a little sister like that growing up. She’s SO vicariously happy just anticipating how happy her sister is going to be that she can’t even contain herself. That’s just so lovely.

This just proves how important it is for young girls to have access to toys, media, and stories where they can see themselves represented. The little sister’s excitement was very cute, too. <keyboard is drenched while I’m writing this>

Not surprised to hear any of that. I love the podcast because I think the information is useful and they’ve calmed me down when I was anxious about the outcome, but whenever I recommend it to someone I give them a douchey-broey caveat. You have to have the stomach for it. When they had a woman guest on after the pres

Thank you for describing so eloquently the feeling I get just thinking about these guys. As a woman, I’m uncomfortable thinking about guys like this who are ostensibly on the same side I am, but who aren’t on my side, if you know what I mean.

Dab? Back to google for my elderly self.

But Ted Cruz is still the Zodiac Killer, right? Don’t destroy all my beliefs today.

I hope this is even .00001% true

I’m a Hill staffer, and I’ve worked in politics since the late 1990s. (I’ve only worked with Dan Pfeiffer, and while he wasn’t bad, he wasn’t that great either.)

I worked as an intern in the White House in 2010. My experience with the the “Obama Bros” was seeing them always sneaking off to smoke weed and play hacky sack with Biden.

“I started off my political career not liking [Clinton] very much at all,” he continued. “I developed a very different view of her in the White House, and thought we might have helped contribute, during the 2008 race, to the caricature of her that so many people have right now.”

I’m always reminded of this New Yorker Andy Borowitz headline whenever Megyn Kelly does anything reasonable. I do truly resent it.

...I hate not entirely hating Megyn Kelly.

“Confusingly loveable”

Thank god. Sean Hannity is the real victim in this election, and now he has gotten some justice.

We get it, Sean, she wouldn’t fuck you. Get over it.

I’m just glad that someone finally called Sean Hannity.

Some good news in the world for once!