“Her family is really scared for her safety,” said a source. “She’s just so isolated and spends all her free time watching trash TV and commenting on Jezebel.”
“Her family is really scared for her safety,” said a source. “She’s just so isolated and spends all her free time watching trash TV and commenting on Jezebel.”
Brilliant. It didn’t occur to me how much better a place the world would’ve been all this time if Tyson had just clocked Drumpf with an uppercut, which clearly would’ve knocked his head off his body.
Thanks Ashley, now whenever we talk about Trump in politics I will just think about how we were this close to Mike Tyson solving this problem for us in the 80s.
I actually think that would be pretty great, I’d watch the shit out of that show.
I think you basically just described a Chinese version of Borat.
The are reminding everyone that they have the right to be total assholes to those other people. It’s can’t be rude, or wrong, because they are have free speech dammit!
This is fucked up on so, so many levels more important than this, but: karate is Japanese. They can’t even get their racism right.
the myopia inherent in calling that gentle fun would require cerebral lasik to correct.
Those were not considered “fairy tales” because nobody involved was attractive.
This does not seem to particularly matter to Eric Trump, who seems to be busy living in a creepy video game loosely modeled after the 1987 film Wall Streetwhere slicked back hair is a professional look, down-time involves shooting cheetahs
You knew this, right? She has her hair and makeup people there, and people with professional lighting. For her selfies.
She is not a moderate. She, John McCain and Lindsey Graham should have been expelled from the Senate for their actions and statements regarding Benghazi.
On the other hand, having to visit a gynecologist every year and pay out the rear end for the privilege, only to get a refill for a drug you already know works for you is stupid. In a sane healthcare system, we wouldn’t have to keep drugs prescription-only just to force for-profit insurance companies to cover it.
Is there evidence that seeing a physician once a year actually does screen out the majority of problems caused by birth control, though? I suppose a lecture about quitting smoking might lead a few women to quit and lower the odds of a birth control-caused blood clot, but I’m guessing that wouldn’t be a strong effect.
Perhaps, but isn’t it a burden to have to see a doctor because so many Planned Parenthood clinics are getting underfunded or closed?
To be fair, the pap smear requirement for renewing birth control is paternalistic garbage with no basis in science.
I disagree. Birth control is available over the counter in a lot of countries and is very safe on the whole, and there are a lot of people for whom the requirement to see a doctor is a substantial burden.
Shut up! Her emails killing Vince Foster in Benghazi cancel all those things out!!
So I’m originally from NH (and admittedly pretty damn far to the left of Sen. Ayotte) and sort-of-not-really know her? (she goes to my hometown parish, so I see her every Christmas, and my parents see her more regularly when congress isn’t in session.) She always struck me (as someone who hasn’t lived in NH in over a…