
Precisely. If you dump a bucket of toxic waste in the ocean, you don’t get to then whine about how you ARE, contrary to what everyone is saying, an environmentalist. Actions matter.

It surprises me that the GOP hasn’t had some sort of killswitch installed to get him to stop talking yet? I’m imagining a series of code words...

People who vote for a racist, sexist, ablist candidate, knowing what he is and what he stands for, are bigots. Bigots don’t get to avoid being called bigots just because they chose a career in the armed forces.

Surely you understand that the OP clearly wasn’t calling all servicepeople bigots, only those who support Trump? Because at this point, there is no other reason to support him unless you like his racism/sexism/Islamophobia, no matter how people talk around their reasoning.


There was an NPR story on Morning Edition where they followed a group of voters in swing states, and one was a black veteran who worked on a farm for vets with PTSD. He was voting Trump. I really had to struggle to figure out why until he mentioned Trump was an “alpha male like [him]” and suddenly it became crystal

As much as I’d really like to agree with you, it’s just not that easy to characterize veterans (much like we can’t say things are universally true of any group.) Concerns about the use of the military, state of our intelligence capabilites, antagonism based on specific situations with Clinton and even areas unrelated

As much as I appreciate the thought, we do NOT want Trump to die before the election. Then the Republicans can put Pence in his place on the ticket. Without the obvious cray-cray of Trump driving voters away, Pence could get elected and then we’d have to deal with his anti-women, anti-LGBT policies nationwide. I’d

I have a vision of his nose starting to bleed uncontrollably while he’s having one of his sniffle fits during the next debate.

“The media continues to operate as the propaganda arm of Hillary Clinton as they took Mr. Trump’s words out of context”

It’s so gross! Part of it is this aggressive cutsey-ing of authority—like, it’s not enough to project your authority; you have to also make it seem hip and fun (or you’re failing as a woman—I mean girl). It plays into this narrative that female leaders can’t just be good at their jobs—they have to be competent AND

Well put. Honestly can’t believe people were so dumb to buy her spiel...It’s not like she’s the first woman to run a fashion company. Hello Donna Karen..DVF. I mean, those ladies are actual designers and brands. Nasty girl is just another Mod Cloth. Nothing new.

The “girlboss” thing makes me throw up in my mouth a little bit every time I see it.

Can I ask what you saw in her that made you worship her? I’ve seen her in about 5 interviews and to me, she comes across as immature and rather scatterbrained.

Sheree Waterson, formerly of Lululemon, who several former employees have told Jezebel is, in their opinion, the cause of much of the dysfunction and tension at the office.

Formerly of Lululemon, huh? lol. Are these people utterly clueless dopes, or is this some spectacular self-sabotage?

I always see these articles with hundreds of comments from men (with hundreds of favorites for each comment) going on about finally replacing women. As in women have no purpose to exist other than men fucking them.

bc let’s face it, these will be 98% made and marketed for men

This is a wonderfully written article. That said, I can’t help but be really squicked out by this literal objectification of women (bc let’s face it, these will be 98% made and marketed for men). Do we honestly need any more of that? I feel like this will have some scary effects on sexual politics.

Saying no to anal