
He looks like a Navy Seal action figure came half-way to life.

That’s the first time I’ve seen a Navy Seal with that much botox.

Listen, she spends an entire song going on and on about how boring and provincial everyone in her town is.

“I don’t know what Harry and the Hendersons is...”

Also, fuck all men who treat women as prizes to be fought over and won. And fuck everyone who cheers on this barbaric behavior.

Megyn Kelly showed up as she continues the long, slow march towards the end of her contract. Her coworker Sean Hannity took a break from shining Donald Trump’s shoes to ask him a few questions following the debate.

At this point...ugh. Why am I surprised? I went to Art School with fuckos like this. Time and time again, their idea of what’s shocking art is just fucking awful. I continuously got into fights with asshats like this one. Don’t take an image then proceed to do a half ass job fucking it up and tell me that it’s art.

This is some peak white nonsense right here. He tried to do what lots of white male artists do: Use another, oppressed groups’s images, add some scribbles, and call it art. When questioned about it, he can’t really articulate why he isn’t just another white man using Black bodies to be edgy, shocking, controversial,

Right. I’m repeating myself, but the disconnect appears to be in defining addiction as “unable to stop without experiencing physical withdrawal symptoms.” That’s not the actual definition of the word -- it’s possible to be addicted to all kinds of things that don’t have physically addictive properties -- but it’s how

You do not physically withdrawal from it which is what ppl say to justify that weed isn’t addictive

I found the ceremony of smoking pot to be addicting, like preparing opium. The mere thought of lighting up brings back the experience of the senses.

isnt it so insane that you tell people “i was addicted to pot” and they scream back NO!!!!!!!!!!! THATS IMPOSSIBLE!!!!!!!!!!!

1- i stole from family members to get more money. a few hundred bucks a week habit is expensive

hi im someone that was addicted to weed for many years before a heroin addiction. so save your ‘you dont withdrawal from it! it’s not addictive” bullshit for someone else!

Like I said, it depends on what you mean when you say “addiction.” If you’re going by, say, the American Heritage definition of the word:

i was for many, many years. but everyone told me it wasnt possible and it was harmless and no big deal and i had to go down a much darker path to admit to myself that i was a drug addict and had been since i was a young teenager and “just” smoking pot

It kind of depends what you mean by “addiction,” though. When I was smoking pot heavily, I was never physically addicted -- I didn’t go through any kind of withdrawal when I couldn’t get stoned. But I did get pretty damned upset when I couldn’t get my hands on it. It was a real wake-up call when my dispensary went

There is a difference between smoking a lot of weed and enjoying it and not being able to function while not high and have withdraw symptoms. That’s addiction.

There is a big difference between liking to smoke a lot of weed and not being able to not be high and being addicted to it.

if his behavior stopped with him smoking a joint, we wouldn’t be hearing about any of this. obviously that’s not the issue.