
The purpose of the school dealing with these cases isn’t to replace a criminal trial. I don’t know why people think that’s the case. The purpose is to ensure that victims are able to successfully continue their education. All universities have a student codes of conduct that students are expected to follow, or risk

I always make false rape allegations because it makes my life better and easier.

I finished it, but it definitely got a bit tedious... oddly, I think the story will make a much better movie than it did a book.

I finished it, coincidentally, because I was on a long train ride.

That was one of my issues with this book for sure.

I finished it, but man... the first 75% was so tedious. The movie looks much better.

Welcome to my every Friday night.

This is what happens when you don’t arm faculty and children with guns.

I jerked off. A lot. I mean, I still do, but I don’t have roommates.

Oh god, the RA is getting involved

“Even as Mr. Trump’s advisers publicly backed him on Tuesday and praised his debate performance, they were privately awash in second-guessing about why he stopped attacking Mrs. Clinton on trade and character issues and instead grew erratic, impatient and subdued as the night went on.”

Thank you for respecting Ser Gregor Clegane’s feelings.

The Mountain is my champion... in a lot of ways. Some of which I won’t get into right now because, well, I am a classy broad.

I opt to have the Mountain be my champion.

Or a hockey player. While the era of the enforcer might be on the decline, there still is a need for a guy who can throw down.

If I won this I would donate my punch to an NFL linebacker.

I don’t know, I saw a couple of people being interviewed after the debate, and they were angry and embarrassed at Trump, but still going to vote for him. They did not seem stupid, they seemed stubborn. They hated Clinton more than they were mortified by Trump.

I kind of thought “we didn’t like JFK but we like Hillary” was a pretty strong message.

I don’t think trump fans read very much.

Please clap.