
Alternatively, you could make a case for it being said by Michelle Bachmann.

If she can’t take care of her husband’s needs, how the heck can she take of the country’s needs?

But didn’t you know? Women are always responsible for infidelity. Either they render themselves undesirable to drive their partners into into the arms of other woman (usually by letting one’s self go, or being inattentive), or by luring men into their siren-like clutches.

The “hilarious” part is that if she’d divorced him she’d be reamed for being ungodly, unforgiving, unchristian, and having no moral values.

Not harassed- “violated”- which makes it sound like Monica was assaulted or something. I don’t agree with what the clintons did to her (and think he’s a creep) but Monica was hardly a sexual assault victim.

It really does seem sometimes like the worst people live to a ripe old age and the good die young :/ I guess their burning hatred carries them through?

I remember watching a State of the Union address presented by that shifty-eyed talking Rhesus, George HW Bush, and thinking, if a bomb somehow dropped on that building right now, we would get to start all over with new people in those jobs.

Don’t forget how horribly he treated his second wife, who he left for his 3rd!

You guys ever see that X-files where the dude can speak to someone and essentially narrate to them whatever they want to happen, like, “your arteries are clogging and getting tighter, your breathing is becoming restricted, you’re having a heart attack” and then he does?

Because she is the wife who supports her husband and knew about his cheating. So she is guilty by default.

That’s pretty amazing coming from a guy who had a very public, very nasty divorce due to adultery while he was mayor of New York City. The gall of these men...

I’ve never understood how Bill’s indiscretions have anything to do with Hillary.

I’m sure it was painful enough knowing your spouse had cheated on you, but the extra burden of having it played out on the national stage and dealing with it as gracefully as she did speaks volumes about her. As far as I am concerned,

So, the Republican party only believes a woman has ever been actually sexually harassed if it is done by a Democrat in the White House. Got it.

No that’s ‘which republican congressman’s wife thinks her husband is a bitch?’

But those men have wives and mothers too, and they probably wouldn’t hesitate to call them bitches. sigh. I think we’re back to the drawing board buddy.

This is a difficult exercise, even after subtracting out all of the closeted, self-hating gay men.

Sources have claimed that he takes “prescription diet pills” (amphetimines). That might explain his claim of only sleeping a couple hours a night, his late night ranting Tweets and his claim of having loads and loads of stamina. Cocaine would fit that profile as well.