
I’m in the Northeast and it seems like all the OKC profiles for guys look the same. They love the gym, beer and sports.

YEP. I’m in my mid-30s too and rarely get matches. I’ve thought about lying on my profiles to say I love sports and beer, instead of being a vegetarian feminist with cats that likes to travel. There should be an app to match women like this. What sucks though is that I really really want kids, like badly, but not

But I don’t get it. I thought the same thing. Are they fake profiles?


Are you me? I went on a date where a guy made fun of me for being a feminist too! I’ve been laughed at more than once for being a vegetarian and for having cats. FML. Those apps destroyed my self esteem, I rarely got any matches

I’m in my mid-30s, vegetarian feminist with cats. Anyone else? Because I never get any matches. I’m not a preachy vegetarian though and my cats like strangers.


Meet me in Rome, I’ll be with the Borgias at their sexy masquerade party!!

I used to use the low dose BC pill made by Bayer. When I would travel in Central and South America, I would buy a year supply, always spending $2-$5 per pack. No prescription necessary.

Couldn’t have said it better myself!!

Definitely worth the money. It’s a very unique experience.

They do have stop blocks, the train hopped up and went into the roof because of the speed.

Thank you. Yes, I was honest in my explanation - I said I was dealing with the emotional trauma of sexual assault for that year and that my junior and senior years of college, when I made deans list, spoke for my abilities and potential. My assault happened in 1999 - attitudes were different then and I’m not sure how

100% agree. It’s great that your university was able to do that for you. For me, I was at a small college which meant I couldn’t report without it spreading all over campus. In fact, he threatened as much. I regret that I endured all of freshman year in the same dorm as him.

Just want to say I empathize and agree with you. I ultimately decided not to go through the university or the criminal system. Instead, I let it eat away at me for years, because at the time I knew someone who was ostracized once her identity was found out in a similar situation. Given to do all over again, I’d sadly

Reign (IMO) is marketed as historical fan-fiction. I think it’s easier to enjoy when viewed as such.

Obviously Trump is a dumpster fire, however I’m genuinely curious as to the Jezzie opinion on this issue? I tried to get a prescription form my regular GP and he said he doesn’t do BC prescriptions and that I’d have to go to an OB-GYN. I asked why as I don’t have a history of blood clots and I’d taken the specific

Thank you for this post. I’m also a victim of sexual assault and I find that all too often, society does see rape for what it is - a violent crime.

Yeah that’s a big detail Jezebel is leaving out.

I can’t see those Bill and balloons clips enough, they make me smile every time!