
Love it!!!!! BOOBS!!!

Won’t you think stop and think about the boners???

For fucks sake....

I wish I had your confidence in the American people!!!

I’ll second that with an amen! My dad’s wealthy parents told my mother Hell No when it came to babysitting my brother and I, whereas my mom’s parents who were poor and in their mid-70's relished taking care of me as a baby everyday while my parents worked. This was at the same time they were also minding my other

I made the mistake of reading the reviews of this book to find out what it was about... <barf>

Well, I think Trudeau walks the walk, like how his cabinet is 50% female. I also don’t think he ‘expects’ applause for his behavior, which is why people love him, whereas McGrory seems to do it for the pat on the back (ie. instagramming pics of him reading feminist literature, etc.). Obama is using his platform as

Best Friends Forever!!! This is.... hilarious....

Nashville-native here - Just my two cents... My family has been in downtown for generations, having built many of the roads and homes, some of which are still there, but getting knocked down one by one due to gentrification. They get replaced by those tall-and-skinny monstrosities built to accommodate more hipsters.

And shouting down John Lewis, an American civil-rights hero, helps Bernie’s cause how??

I keep looking up the schedule, so frustrating! Like, maybe I’ll watch all evening if you just tell me who’s gonna be there! Does Castro get to speak? Wendy Davis (bc of WWH/Hellerstadt)? Would love to see a Booker/Davis ticket someday. Don’t they always have a young/up and coming politician speak on last day? Like

I tend to agree with you on most missionary work, like places that won’t feed you unless you listen to their scripture. I can assure you the Jesuits do not fall into that category. I think one of things I don’t mind about Catholic missionaries in Central America is that these countries are already heavily

This was exactly my upbringing. My mom taught 5th grade at a Catholic school when I was growing up - the subjects she taught - Religion and Science. And yes, even though it was 5th grade, evolution was part of the curriculum. I’m so with you, I don’t consider myself Catholic anymore, but I find myself defending the

Lol I love him, he reminds me of my dad

YES I was so teary eyed last night, the glass ceiling montage really did it for me. In college, I wrote a paper about women presidents around the world for my‘Religion and Politics’ final. I ended it with the question - When will the USA have a female president? I’m in my mid-thirties and as I’ve posted before, I have

I agree... and I get it, politics bore the hell out of (probably) the majority of the population. I try to remind people that this country is not homogeneous and that is exactly what makes governing America difficult - politicians inevitably have to build consensus and compromise.

Haha so true

Yes, I wish I were joking, really. My friends who believe in ‘Revolution’ think the banks control everything (ie. Bilderberg group). I’m very well-versed in election history because I’m a political nerd and I can point to plenty of examples where their rationale doesn’t work. They don’t accept my arguments. A couple

I know some of these people and they are convinced that everything is *fixed* and *rigged* so this rational argument just doesn’t hold water with them. They’re convinced people’s rights aren’t going be taken away no matter who wins - I’ve been told ‘nothing’s gonna change anyways’.

He was totally fangirling Cory Booker too! It was too cute! Weird how time flies, he was that young governor from Arkansas and now he’s the one excited about the fresh faces!