
I actually know exactly what you’re saying. I do nice things because I enjoy making others happy. It hurts when those people don’t value my happiness - at all. It’s not a tit-for-tat thing, it’s more of a respect thing. Idk I have the same problem explaining this too, just wanted to say I totally get where you’re

Ugh. I wish I had some advice for you. I’m the perpetually single friend, late 30s, who always goes out of my way to do things for my friends and am there for their events and their children’s events. A few years ago, I realized people never did the same for me so I just stopped being *there* for everyone - now I just

Ugh it’s not really surprising that the culture at Fox News resembles the Mad Men era given how much Republicans yearn for the ‘good ole days’ of the 1950s’s.

Yeah pretty sure he’s trolling you

Thanks for this — some very good points!!!

Maybe she’ll surprise us and it will be Xavier Becerra - not a senator and it would make sense as she is campaigning in Miami this weekend....

Right? Ivanka sells shoes and jewelry, Chelsea is going around the globe trying to solve world problems. Like you said, she also has the academic credentials to back it up. If I had spent my teenage years the way Chelsea did, I’d probably be spending my days in seclusion... She def has her mother’s strength in that

My family VCR we bought in the early 80's still works..... Things were made to last back then.

Just throwing it out there —- the lessons of Vietnam didn’t stop the Iraq War.

Anybody else watch TURN: Washington’s Spies on AMC?? Three seasons, great true story, amazing actors AND always on the chopping block :( Maybe the third season (arguably the best) missed the cutoff...


The media and the conservative obsession with Clinton scandals is thriving off of creating a circus out of this election. I hate the anxiety and tension it’s creating.

So much truth for that, I’m from the South and now happily live in the Northeast where I don’t constantly have to worry about what crazy amendment will be tacked on to a state bill to take away my rights or someone else’s.

I read your comment thinking ‘yep me too’ but now I’m giggling like a maniac at ‘Craig Raccoon’!!!!!!!!!!!! Also I’m at work and everyone now thinks I’m a wierdo ;)

That’s awesome! It was my new-years resolution last year to become vegetarian. I started the same way and then gradually limited myself to chicken once a week til I no longer wanted it at all. Also, I started following all those famous farm animals on Instagram and Facebook. Have you heard of lap chickens?!!! Look up

Colorguard here :) (Not musically talented - tried my best with Clarinet at one point, but I was more rhythmic-ly inclined) Love and miss the excitement of the music and the field....

For real... having tried to watch Scottish shows on TV while living in London, the accents were unintelligible for me, lol I coulda used sub-titles!!!

YAS! Can’t wait!!

And I’m reading the books now. My mom read them all when they were published and I would roll my eyes when she talked about Claire and Jamie, and time travel, but I love historical fiction... and they’ve clearly won me over!

Thank you ;) I feel better already!