Mish Mosh

Eh, I’d rather not go viral at all - positive or negative, it’s all 100% toxic.

If she’d done something about it sooner rather than waiting a month and then posting it on social media she might not have had to get surgery. 

Everyone wants to go viral until it’s for something they didn’t want anyone to know about. 

Well personally I wouldn’t advertise a dipshit move like that to the entire world to begin with, but that’s just me.

The gas tank is probably under the driver's seat. So that, when you have an accident, all your problems are over. 

Ooh man that is cool. Just begs for you hold your one hand up and lock the doors while walking away.

Kia Stinger’s key fob, detonator styled. 

i think they are required to post x number of slideshows a week, so they come up w/ terrible articles to make slideshows out of out of spite to check the box.

I think more people hate slideshows than have run out of gas.

Correct. Same goes for aircraft as well. Crimping connectors is preferred to soldering for both strength and longevity.

I got a kit of these for like 20 bucks. I don’t know how many connectors are in there but probably like 100

The thing about having good solder joints, is that you have to go slow and be patient. These seem to solve that problem. I was a certified 12 volt technician (certified by a national board, not Best Buy) for a small and strange part of my life, and these would have come in handy.

The OG Fiat Uno had some cool control pods close to the steering wheel. My grandmother had one when I was a kid and found it looked like something from a spaceship. Years later I noticed while watching Star Wars episode I that Anakin’s pod racer had this same controls as the Fiat Uno. I guess my younger self was right

Ditto. Asymmetry is good in car design (not you Cube).

Yah, my usual reply when someone of his ilk dies...

This Femi-Nazi feels no sorrow.

Thank you for posting this. Even though Jalopnik is theoretically a light and fluffy site for non-serious distractions and snarky one-liners, some things are just too important to not point out.

It IS about both.

It’s worth noting that obstructing governmental administration definitely isn’t the same as resisting arrest. It’s the preferred charge for the NYPD (and every other NY police agency) to put on anyone they think might sue them. It’s the most ridiculously nebulous charge around and can mean whatever they want it to

It can be, and is, about both.