Mish Mosh

It’s a fun game, but there are enough minor blemishes and bugs to really take me out of the immersion. My character always being bald for two seconds when switching to 3rd person view while riding a bike (my preferred method of traversal) and all the issues with clothing in the inventory screen are some of those.

Yes. This mod is actually perfect example of why the ability to switch perspectives isn’t a default feature... because implementing it takes a lot of additional animation work in addition to shifting the camera.

The fact that this works at all, with basic movement looking acceptable, suggests it was a feature that

Honestly, I don’t know why more games don’t just give you the option to switch between modes by default.

I’m just starting my second play through, at about 96 hours in, according to steam so far. Been loving every minute. No game breaking bugs, only 2 hard crashes to desktop in that time. A couple of minor glitches when the game first launched that have apparently been fixed with the patches, as I’m not seeing them this

I remember eating Mealworms, didn’t taste bad but the exoskeleton got caught in my throat and teeth. 

Cyberpunk isn’t a new IP

I read somewhere once it takes 2,000 gallons of fresh water to produce 1 pound of beef, and it takes 1 gallon of fresh water to produce 1 pound of crickets.

Glad it’s not just EA. Concerned that it’s being made on a games as a service engine. Doesn’t sound like a singleplayer open world game that I’d personally be interested in.

So then they’re making another Assassins Creed game.

I really want to be happy that EA have lost control of the licence given how badly they’ve handled it (what is it, 3-4 games in 8 years) but it’s hardly a return to mid-market gems that the old LucasGames oversaw but more AAA bloat with devs that don’t seem matched up.

Millenial here. Seriously what was BMW thinking with that design for the iX?

Hear, hear!

In before Nintendo sends a cease and desist. Oh wait.

Ash, I really like your writing but I’m starting to doubt your taste in men. 

America is a nation divided along many lines these days, but I believe we can all come together as one and agree, regardless of race, political leanings, age, or gender, that these new BMW designs are awful. This could be what saves the country from falling apart.

Please do not do that.” - Miyamoto reading this article

Only if the rear-view mirror was sitting in the passenger seat, covered with blow.

Let’s add drag and wind noise.

I think the double pumper and the dual quad are sexual acts