Mish Mosh

Desert sand formations tend to grow very slowly and in areas with very little rain like Death Valley, can be preserved intact for centuries or longer. Though not as spectacular as other natural formations they contain valuable information relevant to fields like geology and climatology because they function as time

The problem is speed. If they slowed down, it wouldn’t be so dangerous. Heck, I drive up it once in a pickup and didn’t even crash, because I drove slowly. Problem Solved™

As far as I know it had a slightly larger front wheel (although not by much) and that was it. The roll cage would have added a bit more weight up top, though, and Clarkson brings his own... density, to the equation, as it was rolled on the driver side. Not sure if they have any sort of rear sway bar to disconnect, but

The simplest answer is usually the correct one.

or it could be one of her tires was 1.5psi low

I assume the "why" is something along the lines of "fuck Obama" and nothing more.

See, folks? Sometimes endless layers of bureaucracy and red tape can be a good thing!

It does but this is about the PRINCIPLE 

It reminds me of watching a race on Sunday as a kid with my dad. Awesome shots. 

Have you seen how people drive now? It’s entirely possible she’s just a really bad, inattentive driver with way more horsepower than she should have.

I think the Ranger is a (relatively) slow seller because it’s a overall worse truck that the Colorado. I bought a Tacoma, but I fully believe the Colorado is the best midsize truck on the market today (for the vast majority of people). It’s got the most comfortable ride & interior (yeah, kinda GM cheap feeling); all

Sixth if you count the Ridgeline.

Yes? Ram is a separate entity, but I would agree with you.

Baby would like a word with you about never seeing a red WRX...

With gold wheels!

I need these.

So.....wonder how long it will be before there’s bitching on here about the racing being too quiet.........................

They’re terrible cars. Every one that comes into the shop has a garbage mounts, creaks and misfires terribly. 

So on special days, or sometime Saturdays when I am not going out, I make Rio (de Janeiro) a mix of ground pork hotdog, beef liver, chicken liver, and chicken hearts ground in an old american Standard hand grinder. I add an egg and some blitzed dry dog food to the mix, combine, and then make little patties I grill or

I just assume everything from the United Kingdom is fake.