Mish Mosh

Good riddance

Good price once the windows are fixed

return to monke

I’ve seen one in person, it’s better in pictures.

It’s just bringing in the age old american tradition of out-sourcing

He’s just sick of people speeding through his neighborhood. The town wouldn’t put in the speed bump so he did it himself

but the likelihood of getting creamed by a Suburban is infinitely smaller

Man I just love being in a late-stage capitalist society!

Finally kinja being broken is a good thing, I haven’t been able to see greys in months

Hey we had the same kit! I’ve got the bumpers to go with it though

Came to say the same thing

How do you roll a fwd coupe faster than a cop can make a radio call??

Was gonna say it looks like washed out dashcame video, fortunately the youtube vid explained why pretty quick

If you have any intention of getting this beyond the point of “it moves” you’re missing the point in it

I hope it sinks before the insurance policy kicks in

Apparently 52.1% of people don’t know how to have fun

I really hope I don’t outlive these trees

No one should have the kind of money that lets them piss it away on something like this.

haven’t seen it in the boonies of New Brunswick, haven’t really been to the cities but I can at least say it’s not ‘everywhere’