Mish Mosh

Guess I’m taking a trip to DC in the future

Just a guess, but maybe the far-right are the people idolizing nazis and wearing their regalia?

Why not just put a clock in the void? They can’t be that expensive and most of them already look like clocks

Dirt would still get kicked up by the wheel in front of it

I know that’s not mostly how things are anymore

Besiege with a better demolition model it seems

I think that’s the only accurate way to describe it

I think that only works in non circular arrangements

It worked, I want one

Just drain the ocean, duh

Now playing

There’s already a portal 2 mod for that


American luxury and European luxury are 2 different categories. Sharing a garage means nothing.

luxurious Jeep”

I’d really love a cheap sub-100 mile range EV to daily

Fines won’t fairly affect the entire population

I’ve yet to see about the roofs coming off any other manufacturers car

Glad I didn’t burn half an hour watching it, thanks for filling me in