Mish Mosh

If an industry wouldn’t exist without laws requiring it to, why should it continue to exist?

Haggling is for old men. If it’s not listed at the price I want to pay, I’m not gonna consider it

That’s pretty much exactly on the ball for the mx-5 NA market.

He couldn’t come up with something along the lines of “the sun is the size of a quarter”?

I am a 30 yr old architect living in Nashville, TN”

I paid scalper rates for a GPU, I’m not making that mistake again.

Hyundai drivers are the best in my experience, I hope he gets fired for talking shit about them

some prick in a Civic doing a full throttle run”

Too bad no publisher has the guts to make the US the bad guys that we are

Are you taking that super literally as a joke?

Trackmania turbo you can enable collisions

Please stop spending 5 figure numbers on jeeps people. I don’t care what year it is, it’s not worth that much.

I’m working on my friends new to him z31 this weekend. I know he’s dying to get it street legal, and once it’s good to go, between him, another friend, and myself we’ll have a z31, z32, and z33 to cruise together and bring to shows (once they’re available and safe to go to again.)

That’s to keep the appraisals down, I’m sure

Gonna need a lot more than those 2 jerry cans to make it very far

Nice Price, but even I wouldn’t travel the width of the country to a fiero

It’s hard to argue with this extensive lack of information, you’ve convinced me

What exactly are the dangers? My dogs have been wearing them for years with no problems.

It doesn’t matter what they do if she’s still collecting royalties