Mish Mosh

That is, objectively, the best looking truck ever

Thanks for figuring out what headset I’ll be going to after my rift CV1

It’s a fucking city car. It’s for people that live in densely populated areas that don’t otherwise need a car. Don’t like it? There are plenty of suv options out there.

If you want more than a commuter this car obviously isn’t for you. You’re complaining about a purpose-built car being only good at what it’s built for

Despite it’s roots, it’s a solid transmission

Who knew a commuter car would be best suited for commutes???

Username checks out

Unfortunately no, but we do have another reason to be sick of kinja

Congrats on being the 3rd person to tell me

It was already pointed out to me

Thought I saw leaf springs up front, OP is right then

I’d have bought a quest 2 by now if it weren’t for facebook. Gonna be getting rid of my rift CV1 too.

Nicer and newer 4runners don’t have live front axles

Cover the front end and then tell me one way it looks different to a rav4

Character creators are the 21st century way to figure out your psychological problems

The minimum wage hasn’t changed in those 40 years, the spending power is the same

Gen Z will take you if you download tiktok and denounce capitalism

Gut reaction: This is the worst thing to happen this year 

I’ll pretend I watched it and confirm that that is in fact the correct way to handle the situation
