Mish Mosh

He’s the man we all aspire to be

I’d take a stain over a seared ass any day

I will never understand the persuasion that fake leather is somehow better than cloth

That looks like an algebra problem

“See?! You can’t fault us, it’s in our jeans!” -Alabama

I thought so too on first glance, but I think it’s just the angle. Regardless, it’s a lot better than nothing

I’ve got my mission for the next year

The header image is amazing! Definitely tempted to change my wall paper.

How did I misspell “She” as “should”? I’m on a keyboard..

Should could just be really stupid

Thank god there’s no hardee’s near me, the lactose gods would unleash all the punishment

Somehow this is the first time it has been

Aluminum corrosion is significantly faster than steel, just not as detrimental

“You can always pay off a long loan more aggressively, but you can’t pay off an aggressive loan more slowly.”

4th: I’m part of the problem and the solution; I traded my 2015 cherokee for a 350z and shortened my loan term to 48mo.

Cadillac makes more than 1 car?

She’s up in canada. I’m sure the situation was different

You’ll just need to factor in the cost of rally tires, and you’re good to go.

I want as a tattoo