Mish Mosh

The best option is not being addicted to caffeine

The best option is not being addicted to caffeine

At least it’s not illegal to be gay here

Additive manufacturing would make creating those crazy shapes out of metal pretty easy, but yeah still expensive

Do you take him to be your lawfully wedded husband, through pasta and through bread, until your Pasta Passes expire?

Wikipedia says the names are interchangeable

I’m tearing up just picturing that, how romantic!

Glad I could help!

I’d rather live in the Yukon than deal with soccer-moms and HOAs on a daily basis

Nooooooooooooooooooo miniguns shoot about that fast. Most assault rifles fire a little over 1-2 rounds per second. Also you can’t buy assault rifles so there’s that.

Yeah great idea, move everyone into the already over crowded cities. You’ve fixed all the problems!

If my dad was able to beat the raid (on playstation), I’m sure you can too

We’re not all like New Yorkers

If you’re worried about money do the hourly code thing and charge people for the codes

“And the most basic bitch award goes to....”

0-100-0 is so much more informative about the abilities of the car though

I’m gonna consider that half hour saved now, thanks to you

Oh thank god. I must not have scrolled far enough