Mish Mosh

Clearly the most appropriate place for a train horn is on a bicycle

I’m lucky most of my office is on vacation this week. I can’t stop laughing

I’m not much of an audiophile (believe it or not) so as long as the speakers aren’t tinny I’m fine, and that’s not really an issue in recent cars. I pretty exclusively use songs downloaded from spotify for my in car entertainment, and I completely agree, using google as my DJ is amazing (until it goes all HAL on me

I think it’s time we revoke the rich’s ability to purchase cars

Hipsters, car enthusiast, general eye-having populace: good

Reasons to move to Europe:

That seems to be a running theme in my life. I’m not above admitting that I’ve tried changing CDs on the go before, and after that ~5 minute affair I deemed it not worth the risk.

Oh don’t worry, I keep the CDs in an 40 disc album and am more than capable of listening to the same 10 for a few hours at a time. Most of the appreciation happens on the initial opening, or when I was starting my car.

I hope I catch that update

I’m actually already setting plans for buying a house next year.

I see the album art and the way the artists chose to pack the CD as being as much a part of the album as the songs. I’m not gonna try and say there aren’t better ways of doing it, there obviously are, but it’s just a more complete experience in my opinion. Also I buy vinyls.

That’s wild and I love that I was wrong (also sorry for what I said)

Good thing I’m moving out of my apartment and into my dad’s basement this month (I’m still young so it’s not that pathetic I swear)

It’s a lot easier to avoid a crash if you can actually see your surroundings

I highly doubt your hybrid has a high performance transmission. Did you mean CVT?

Neutral: How about a list?

Counter point: anyone can teach you the basics well enough, but only you can make yourself good at driving.

I was taught to drive by my parent’s and it’s safe to say I’m among the top 10% of drivers in my area (I’ve got dashcam to back that up).

Oh I see. Yeah it definitely takes up a lot of motherboard, 3 usb 3.0 slots and a 2.0 slot for my setup. I kinda did surface level research when I was in the market and haven’t really looked at it all since.