Mish Mosh

Or, we could start revoking door privileges

“I’m a professional”

I predict someone will come first.

I’m half canadian and they won’t permit my citizenship if I don’t.

I will admit, I skimmed the article and I believe that led me to misinterpreting the point SomethingforWork was making.

If they’re gonna go to all the trouble of packaging them, why wouldn’t they shape them??

“Which kid’s yours?”

Hey, I never said they wouldn’t try to drink the vodka, they’d just be more likely to recognize it as something that’s not for them. Assuming the parents had the foresight to not shelter the kids from their drinking.

I’ve got nothing against pot, I smoke, but people should be responsible with it. If you want to have gummy bear edibles, go right ahead, but don’t leave them near children unattended because they do look like something kids are typically allowed to eat, and will likely try to eat. If you refuse to think of what a

Hi I’ve learned something today about feta that I think people should know, and because you mentioned feta I am going to share it:

Hello, writer? I don’t normally say things like this, but: Fuck you.

It’s not about flavor, it’s about association. Kids see vodka bottles, regardless of their flavor, and think “adult drink”. Kids see gummy bears and think “candy

I’ve forgotten most things, so I’ll take that challenge.

You’d have players crashing tanks into buildings to avoid hitting the dogs

Reducing parkour to holding R2 then pressing X is reductive to the point of fantasy.

Press Alt+7 to consider the ramifications of opening fire

So basically it’ll be:

Neutral: I don’t see ride hailing taking off outside of dense urban areas. Everywhere else, things are just too spaced out for it to make sense. The U.S. is just too big for decent public transit/ride hailing nation wide.

This take does not belong on a blog site about driving