Oh no. Hillary will definitely start SO MANY WARS that there will be an equal number of wars started by men and wars started by Hillary Clinton.
Oh no. Hillary will definitely start SO MANY WARS that there will be an equal number of wars started by men and wars started by Hillary Clinton.
I'd describe it as "pleasant." But not much else.
Yeah. And ... no one on earth could EVER live up to Julie Andrews really. It's like why you don't go singing whitney houston or celine dion at an audition: You are NOT going to nail that.
Chris Colfer can actually sing though. They can't all sing, but I know at least Lea and Chris and Darren can.
And Israel's response has be far away from ethical. They're pretty much just both wrong and need to stop.
Sarah Barailles actually has a song called Chasing the Sun
Yeah. I'd say most dating in general should be kept private but... this is not that.
To you.
Yeah. As someone who can't really do sex that means nothing... I would feel the same way.
Yeahhhhh cos we all know how well honesty box on facebook and myspace went for people.
I know! If my boobs were flying like that... I'd stop running.
Hence "animal cruelty" not "child abuse"
Cos it's squished! Squished is totally the way to go. None of this crunchy toasty shit. Warm chewey ooey gooey goodness please!
Pavlok. Like Pavlov. Get it? Because literal torture?
Anaconda dont want none unless you got buns hun.
If this works for her I'm suddenly going to become very religious.
Heres the thing: Hes a wall street asshole. If it's less money it probably will be a drop in the bucket for him to pay, and not really a punishment.
Money is the only thing that gets through to people.
Like did he expect sex from them? Or just to stare?
What was the first one? I honestly didn't know best man holiday was a sequel.