
Hypocritical really. "SMALL GOVERNMENT! DONT TAX ME! But make sure you help me to smash all my competitors and continue to allow me to sell things at ridiculously high prices just beacuse no one else can."

It seems like now you have to spend 70 on EVERYTHING no matter what it is. Ugh.

I don't think they'll go as far as campaigning for her.... but I think they will vote for her for fear of the alternative being actually nearly dangerous to them.

It is not as bad as the third in the Divergent series! Not by a long shot. So... Yay?

Honestly, I would hope they're GOTVing because otherwise a republican will win.

And actually die in a fire.

Basically, mermaid waves is the only style anyone should ever ever wear. If you have curly hair you need to straighten and then add more uniform curls. If you have straight hair you can skip step one.

Ok well according to science (she's been taking hormones etc) and the law (where now she's a woman....) this person is a woman. Even if they have a penis.


Why should they use science and not law?

I think it's pretty clear that we should all pay for stuff ourselves (as long as were not straight white Cis men.)

Lots of women run marathons? JC who you're talking about.

I hadn't read that she was a gymnast but I knew she was because before each obstacle she got that... calculating, planning, plotting, preparing look in her eye. Like "I know what I have to do I'm gonna do it."

Did you read the email? Bachelor party gets a comped table, no pics required.

I realize you cant really wear out albums on iphones. But I feel like I've worn out 21. Im SO READY for this.

I feel like we need a better term: non-consensual pornograhy or something. Any porn released should ALWAYS have the consent of those in it.

She looks really... glowy and happy too. More than I think I've ever seen her.

She looks so radiantly happy in the top picture. I'm excited. I know she's not gonna be perfect, but I will GLADLY help her campaign. When it's official. Which I sincerely hope is soonbecause WE ALL KNOW.

Yes. Or Eternal Sunshine even.

Haha I just wish some of the guys would explain THEIR names.