
Ugh. I don't know why anyone watches AI anymore.

I care because there are VERY TALENTED musicians out there but they don't get any attention. I'd much rather hear a great singer (or even a talented lyricist like Tswift- her lyrics may not be on a subject people like, but shit like "He made a rebel of a careless man's careful daughter" is pretty good...) than a

I was never under the impression that hot yoga was to aid weight loss?

I think pee FAST is the thing. Or leave the car running/ac on and lock the doors.

Oh look a sexist pig.

haha NO soccer is only EVER played against these 16 teams for these... what two weeks every so many years?

But when you ARE watching the women's team? You constantly still her things described as "___ holds the record in women's soccer."

So since women dominate (?) figure skating, we shouldn't call it "Ladies" and "Mens" figure skating but rather "Figure Skating" and "Men's Figure Skating?"

1) It's not that tough. You design media shit and promos and crap that says "men's" and send out a press release asking to have people say "men's"

No. They'll say "in women's soccer" every time, whether or not they need to for clarity.

And do you think those women who made it but never played or tried out and never made it were actually not qualified to ever play? Or do you think that they just were never allowed to play because they were women? I'm sure it's some percentage of both.

"Any woman is eligible to play in this wold cup. "

Saying "Mens World Cup" and "Women's World Cup" (with FIFA added when necessary for clarity amongst other sports...) is not two tournaments of the same name.

I mean just look at Tour De France. Men get Le Tour and women get... one stage. A woman cyclist cannot win the "greatest honor" in the sport, nor can she even compete. There can be no comparison because it's not allowed.

If they go to public school. Maybe. MY high school had no women's football team. Or wrestling. Most don't. They replace those with "girlier" sports and call it equal. And men have access to say, the cheerleading team if they want it with ... not a terrible amount of difficulty, but if a woman wanted access to the

... Nope. She's a SEX therapist, not a relationship counselor. For teaching about intimacy, sexual dysfunction, etc...

Well, this woman is blonde and young-looking so she can't possibly be an expert on anything, she's probably just a slut who pretends to be a sexologist.

Thanks for posting this. :)

wine doesn't go bad that fast. Beer does. I bought a growler of a delicious beer on a brewery tour but only got to drink 2 glasses because it went bad FAST.

I agree that she needs to GO, now. She's just gotta go.