OMG! This is genius. Now I don't have to encourage my cat to eat rando bugs I find. She's not much of a hunter. I'm pretty sure in the wild she'd just nap to death.
OMG! This is genius. Now I don't have to encourage my cat to eat rando bugs I find. She's not much of a hunter. I'm pretty sure in the wild she'd just nap to death.
And what are "high value men and women?" — um. Are ALL men and women not high value? Or is it just those who need expensive medicine and can straight up pay for it? Or don't need healthcare at all?
Honestly. We've already seen corporations threatening their employees to influence their votes...
I really hope they're setting themselves up to have their words used as the basis for evvvvvil socialist healthcare.
It's literally like they didn't consider the IMMENSE implications of their words.
Yes. They were somehow basically arguing that single payer would be better.
8 pounds. For every single Rx?!
Why do you doubt it? IUDs are included here.
Can you provide a quote from the ruling for this? Does it say they must provide things like the pill? And weren't IUDs named in Hobby Lobbys suit? Those are daily contraception, not emergency contraception like morning after.
Does it not just say "contraception?" Because that can be interpreted to mean "contraception." Which is contraception. All of it. Also, IUDs were named specifically by hobby lobby and those ARE everyday contraception.
It also won't cover IUDs. Which are daily contraception.
Yup. They can try out my hormonal cystic acne too.
Did this ruling actually say that? Because from what I read it said "contraception."
As someone currently experiencing one o'those due to just going back ON the pill after difficulties getting acess to an Rx WITH insurance (long story...)
It would never have made it to the Supreme Court at all.
Well ya should, because you sound JUST LIKE ONE and would probably love everything they had to say. You'd just eat it right up. Go bitch with them.
but with this ruling NOW THEY ARE.
Yeah I didn't know that yuppie white ladies were the only "basic bitches"
I hope you're right. To me if feels like it would take some kind of insane revolution.