I’m from Illinois and I approve ALL of these messages.
I’m from Illinois and I approve ALL of these messages.
The original version came out in 1946.
I realize that, in the great scheme of things, this isn't a big deal. But I really hate it when the movies adapt a book by simply taking the title and then creating a whole new storyline.
Inna lillahi wa Inna alayhi rajiun. Ameen.
Heartbreaking another loss for Black GenX; take care y’all, especially your hearts.
May God have mercy on you. (that’s a proper way to say it for his muslim faith and not RIP)
Goddam ... 47 .... that’s too young.
Wouldn’t Black Twitter just be Michael Harriot?
Hopefully not. I’d like to think people that frequent this site are more focused on the actions of an individual as opposed to giving into those sort of prejudices. Granted, it was that very prejudice that resulted in me sticking it out for so long. I was in denial that I was even being abused. But I’m much happier…
Most people would prefer Stacey Adams, but I think her work is so much more important than what she could accomplish as the VP. Harris is a good counter to the boot-lickers blue lives crowd and would definitely energize the campaign in the last three months.
Can I just say how nice it is to read a presidential candidate’s cheat sheet that contains multisyllabic words, complete thoughts, a logical progression, and isn’t comprised of four-inch-high letters drawn with a fucking billboard-sized marker in what you know is a clenched fist with his tongue sticking out and beads…
Pretty much some terrible people have caught it, but few of them have died as a result of it. Unlike most people, they have medical care on standby so unless the virus whips their ass harder then Rand Paul’s neighbor, almost all of them will survive.
Same here, it’s mostly while I’m at work, and maybe on the weekends while I’m being lazy with my coffee.
Exactly. Here at work with no sound. Can someone give the written version?
Same. Let’s get a written copy, please.
Seriously, how many of us are reading this at work and can’t take 5-10 minutes to watch a video? I almost exclusively read this site while I am at work.
I won’t spoil the story for you
I agree. We very quickly learned the best thing for us was to turn such moments into lessons about taking good care of your stuff.
Lying to your kid..............how about no.