
Praying for Biz.  Diabetes is a horrible thing, it has taken members of my family.   

No one wants to eat something that tastes like you put pepsi, funyons, bologna, velveeta, mayonnaise, cigarette ash and meth in a blender. 

The unfortunate thing is that these hypocritical republican degenerates in our government, being paid by us, will receive cutting edge comprehensive healthcare that the average citizen will not receive. They are likely to survive and with their lack of human feelings will have even less empathy to those of us that

Honestly, the ease with which this kind of human lump is fooled is so embarrassing. They don’t have the slightest idea what socialism, Marxism, communism, anarchy, Nazism, fascism, etc., are as actual political systems or philosophies, but they’re sure them Dem Bastards are all of them at once.

NP for me. I drove the base version (not the hottie Abarth) for a couple of weeks and thoroughly enjoyed the damn thing. Quirky, surprisingly fun to drive and it always brought a smile to my face. Mo’ power and row-yer-own just adds to the appeal.

I don’t think it’s the real one, there is an extra a in the name....

We need to extend unemployment benefits.

And an extra big fuck you” to this man. Sure Mitch, let’s all have a big laugh as we slide naked down a giant greased razor blade into Great Depression 2: This Time with Climate Change, a Pandemic, and Aliens Maybe?

Fuck you if you voted for any Republican, from President down to municipal dog catcher. It’s all your fault. 

Your post reminds me that we still have Trump apologists on here. 

Ah, here we go, the classic blame the poor for being lazy. If it was as simple as “get a job for less money to make ends meet” then it would be a pretty easy problem to solve, wouldn’t it? Doesn’t seem to be the case, though. Can you think of some reasons why that might not be the greatest advice?

yeah, they’re so miserable in Sweden, Norway, Germany, etc. etc. etc. I’ll note that they regularly scoff at American idiots who lie about how things are in other countries:

This is the fundamental argument of the left wing right now:

The appropriating of Norse [and to a lesser extent, Celtic] imagery by these assholes is a mark of great frustration to a lot of people, since Norse is still an active [albeit small] religion in parts of Europe. Celtic imagery appropriation is a related issue because Irish, and some Scots, groups have relied on that

A dear friend of mind who has been a... Norse stan? ...all of his life has been on a years long FaceBook rant against the growing evil of white supremacists into his fandom.

These women are calling it like they see it, and they’re calling it right. An unafraid woman is an old white persons nightmare. 

Yeah, this is not some brain teaser. It isn’t the AP physics test or solving Fermat’s last theorem. These tests are what I gave to people with cancer in their brain or unexpectedly severe neurocognitive side effects of chemotherapy. The goal is to see what deficits are present and follow it serially to see if things

Superman III, which was what inspired the IT guys in Office Space.

Or have a cat, the one justification I understand on the under end is that people with cats no logner have to worry aboutt he cat unraveling the entire roll because it’s fun to spin.

What “debate”? It’s either over or you’re a psychopath.