
This is the article I needed this morning.

Also wrong! It’s “Reeve.”

Does it make me a bad person if I say that twelve is WAY too old not to be capable of keeping one’s own hair detangled? If it does, I’ll take it back.

I’m still working (in a hospital). We’ve actually been asked not to wear any makeup other than eye makeup at work— so we don’t soil our masks. I normally wear foundation, so I feel a little naked going to work without it. It IS nice to skip steps when getting ready in the mornings, though.

Yeeeeah, this is going to be a problem. Settle down, Beavis!!

The hospital where I work is kinder, and uses a sweet taste rather than bitter. :)

Those kernels are whole! You didn’t split them open and use only the insides, leaving the hulls behind.

Okay, twice means it’s intentional and not a typo. It’s “toe” the line, not “tow.”

Nope-- I only noticed that he’s wearing it upside-down, so that the pleats on the front are nice little crumb-catchers.

Okay, I was a kid in the 80s, and I read everything I could get my hands on. How have I never heard of this?

Okay, Dary.

I’ve been watching the Decorah eagles for a good few years now. It never gets old. :)

I would LOVE to be stuck at home through all of this. Unfortunately, I work in a hospital. I’m not in a clinical role but in an office, so I foolishly thought that I’d be considered nonessential personnel and sent home for the duration. Nope! Instead I’m stuck trying to avoid people as much as possible, sanitizing

Crap. I live in a small apartment with no hookup for a regular automatic washer, so I use a small twin-tub. It does a great job of getting clothes clean, but a terrible job of catching lint— so I always try to shake all the fuzzies and cat hairs off of everything before I throw it in. I already use two free-floating

Uh...  I’m concerned.

And then at the very end of the interview, he called her “Sanvah” instead of Savannah.

Yes, this is a bad time to have a chronic, non-contagious cough! I smoked for twenty-three years before quitting in 2017, so yeah, I do sometimes cough at random. Unfortunately, though, there’s no way for strangers to know that.

Were you an LHCer? Because I seem to remember something along those lines too.

Those have a NAME?? My Grandma and her sisters used to make these for the whole family and we always wore them in winter. We just called them “footsie-things,” though, never knowing any better. There are definitely no Finns in the family, either.   :)

Just not spelling. (twindle?!)