
It’s not impossible or even difficult. I left years ago, well before it reached its current ubiquity, and I don’t miss it. My problem now is how dependent everyone has become on it. They assume that literally everyone is connected on Facebook, and that if they post something there, that everyone will be aware of it.

Hell yes-- you do what works! I vape too, and as a result, I no longer have to smoke cigarettes after doing so for 23 years. I much prefer my VooPoo Drag and Wismec Indestructible combination, and I don’t even care how much people will make fun of those words. :D

Das Wasser soll dein Spiegel sein;
erst wenn es glatt ist, wirst du sehen
wieviel Märchen dir noch bleibt--
und um Erlösung wirst du flehen.

It’s too true, though, that (most) racists don’t actually believe that they are racist. I live in a very small, very white town. Most of the people here are racist. They would vehemently deny it, because in their minds, “racists” are those who go out of their way to be openly cruel to others, burning crosses and shouti

Hey, I’m in Illinois too-- just wayyy down south. Stickers for us.

#2 is me. Apparently, I’m the only one in my immediate vicinity at work who got up early and voted before coming in. I’m shamelessly flaunting my sticker at all those losers.

All done! Got my sticker and everything.

Ugh, yes! Last night, Sasha was freaking out for her 8:30 walk when it was only 7:30. I tried explaining the whole stupid “clock” thing to her, but she wasn’t having it. I managed to hold her off until 8:00 and gave in.

Yes, this is AMAZING! My husband and I had just chosen KOTH to be our next binge-show, as soon as we finished the one we were watching-- only to find that it wasn’t available. And here, just a couple of days later, it’s back!!!

I’m so tired. Just so damn tired.

Omg seriously how is this guy even still alive? It’s too obvious that he’s never faced a real difficulty in his life.....

Weird. I’ve been buying and eating full-sized Mr. Goodbar bars since I was a kid. Hell, I almost bought one just a couple of days ago before exerting my willpower. They’re not strange or rare, at least, not in Southern Illinois.

At our local county shelter, it only costs about $35 to adopt a dog, and nothing at all for a cat! I have two free cats and a cheap dog because of them. :p

His usual drunken antics were so deceptive!

Ohhhh crap, it was Florida Man all along???

Exactly! Someone gets me. :)

No, no... Do you not see? That if you kill him with the pill from the till by making with it the drug in the jug, you need not light the candle with the handle on the gâteau from the château.

Write, not right. On her forearms, that is.

Yes, you can definitely overdose on caffeine... It happened to me in high school. A group of us had made quite a habit of using caffeine pills, both for help with school and just for fun. I guess we got cocky (as teenagers are so prone to do), taking more and more of them as our tolerance grew. Finally one day, we WAY

Down at the Bigger Jigger on catfish night!