I don’t understand. I don’t understand people with six-figure incomes, let alone this guy. How do people sleep at night? How do you enjoy any of it at all knowing what other people are suffering?
I don’t understand. I don’t understand people with six-figure incomes, let alone this guy. How do people sleep at night? How do you enjoy any of it at all knowing what other people are suffering?
Well, I live in the USA, and I think that’s pretty damn close.
It suuuuuuucks. I have to take my pupper down all the stairs, around the corner of the building, and down to the end of the block every time she needs to go potty. It’s been so freaking cold lately!
I killed the wipers on my old car that way. I fired em up while they were frozen solidly to the windshield, and something broke with an angry sound. Those wipers never ran again.
THIS was all I could think of as I finished reading. He made those children stay in bed all night with their dead brother!!!! How is this NOT going to screw them up royally?
I’ve been quietly freaking out about this for ages. I SWEAR that I used to hear her name pronounced “Kob” in the past. Then suddenly one day it was “Kot-bee.” I thought it was a hilarious mispronounciation the first time— since when is a letter B in a word actually pronounced as “Beeee?” But then it didn’t stop. :(
God bless this strong, beautiful, big-hearted woman.
To me, “typo” has always implies that you do know how to spell the word, but your finger accidentally hit a key other than the one you had intended, causing a misspelling. If you honestly think the word is spelled that way, or you just don’t know, it’s not a “typo” anymore!
Haaaahahahahaha AHhhhhhHHHHahhahhaha HHHahahahhahaaaaaaa
I downloaded the app and was ready to give it a try— until I saw that the only option for signing up is through Facebook. Sigh... and delete.
The cost of supporting an adult child? Zero, if you’re my parents. Hell, they call ME up to ask to borrow money a couple of times a month. Everyone who has that safety net to fall back on— please, be grateful.
Seriously, go for it. It won’t affect me in any way, and it WILL hurt a few people whose lives are unjustifiably easy. Sounds good!
I saw the words “BEAUTY COMPETITION” in the title and wanted to cry. Seriously, why is this even a thing?
I have congenital curly toe! The smallest two toes on each foot are sort of curled down and to the side. It’s neither an asset nor a problem. I just like the name. :)
What are you even talking about? Bjork has been Bjorking since Gaga was in grade school.
Dressing makes life worth living. I don’t know what all the other white people are up to, but my white family has always had dressing, not stuffing. And I got Grandma to show me how to make it before the dementia got bad, so now I hold ALL THE POWER!
Seriously, it makes me want to go roll in glitter RIGHT NOW.
BPD just sucks, doesn’t it? I was diagnosed in my twenties, and I spent a lot of years as miserable as they come. I was already married, and I put my poor husband through absolute hell with my warped thought patterns. Somehow he had the fortitude to stick with me through the worst, and now that I’m doing much better,…
Why in hell are there no Hardee’s in Chicago? The rest of the damn state is positively littered with them!