Yes, how about a child allowance so kids don’t have to do without? And, while we’re at it, why not some sort of incentive for NOT having children? Those of us who don’t reproduce are doing the world a much bigger favor.
Yes, how about a child allowance so kids don’t have to do without? And, while we’re at it, why not some sort of incentive for NOT having children? Those of us who don’t reproduce are doing the world a much bigger favor.
Slayer, eh? I’ve been relying on Rammstein lately in my bright red workplace.
I think it’s a little silly too, but I think it’s because the US mail is an official, paid service, and we’re circumventing them if we stick mail in there without paying postage.
Yes, it’s illegal. No one is supposed to touch or put anything into your official USPS mailbox except you and the authorized mail carrier.
Remember when they built a train tunnel on a solid wall, and then a train came speeding out of it? That still terrifies me after all these years. I’m 38.
My family always has!
You’re so right! No has always meant no, but it was also kind of reserved for if things were REALLY REALLY BAD, not just uncomfortable or somewhat unwelcome. You saved that no for emergencies.
Of everything that’s been in the media recently, THIS article is what has hit me hardest. I was a kid in a strict religious group in which any mention of sex was taboo, and kids were told absolutely nothing on the subject. As a result of this, I was unleashed on the world as a teenager totally ignorant of anything to…
I was in high school too- and my high school sounds a lot like yours. :)
Ya know, that might be another problem... None of the radio stations that I’ve ever listened to would ever have played any music of her style. In much the same way, I can be pretty oblivious to current pop artists.
I’m always amazed by articles talking about how well-known and beloved she was. I grew up in Southern Illinois and have only ever heard of her in said articles. I wouldn’t even know of her existence otherwise, though I was definitely alive during her career.
Stop acting like you’ve just accomplished some amazing feat. You had sex and got knocked up. People do it every day, from the richest royalty to the lowliest scumbags. You’re not special. Like, in any way.
Owwww, that lady has bendy fingers!
I grew up, got married, and did NOT provide grandchildren. My mother was unhappy with this lack of babies in her life and acquired another. Now I’m 38 years old and have a baby brother who is 14 and a freshman in high school. Spacing, indeed!
Where do I get little legwarmers for my fingers?
Wait— I don’t remember typing that... Holy crap! There’s another of us!
My grandma (who has severe dementia) has one and loves it! She seems to go back and forth between thinking it’s real and knowing it’s a toy. Either one pleases her, though, so it’s all good. :)
I thought that was pretty surreal, from an outside point of view. I read the conversation and all I could see was her growing inexplicably angrier with each comment, responding to you as if you had said something entirely different. I still can’t find anything insulting or disrespectful in anything you said. Unless…
My grandma says the same. She recently had a birthday- but she has dementia, and had to ask us how many years old she now was. When we told her she was 91, she said “Well, that’s more than I wanted!”
The smile captured in that shot is adorably (and sexily!) Tormund-esque.