
We are at the penultimate episode of this season and although the show is good some weeks and OK others, I have to admit that based on season 1, for me it is not worth the extra for CBS all access.
Maybe my expectations were unreasonably high; for one thing, it's been billed as Diane's show and that hasn't been the

Great examples.

Good ending to a great season. This show has gotten better over the years.
Thank you Kayla for your reviews.


I connect the laptop to a 65 inch smart TV, everything works well other than that feature. CBS needs to create apps if they want to be considered a streaming contender.

If the premise of the show were different, I could actually buy into Frankie leaving and even see it as a good move for her to gain some perspective away from her history.
If Frankie leaves, there's no Grace and Frankie. I can appreciate Grace's reaction, but I can't get invested in an outcome that won't happen.

We know he comes from money, maybe she does too. Otherwise, you are right, she is doing really well for a third year associate which would put her at about 5 or 6 yrs post law school.
They forget that we met this character working in bond court.
These are some of the inconsistencies in the show, they pick and choose

Yep, that exchange was just crass.

True, he basically kept her out of jail which is more than her parents have done plus, where did she think I he got the info from?

She has top billing and CBS has certainly use her name (and Diane's) as a selling point, but, you are right. In many episodes, she feels secondary to the other storylines.
We have only seen her in court once and Diane is great in the courtroom.

Fair point and one I hadn't considered.

This episode made the show seem lost and scattered to me. I've decided to attribute this first season as The Kings learning to create a story arc over 10 episodes as opposed to 22.

God, I agree with everything you said.

This was a good episode, but it's hard for me to be interested in the Frankie is considering moving plot when I don't think it will happen.

Robert finally offered an honest apology to Grace and it goes a long way towards making the character better.
I've been waiting for this for 2.5 seasons; as much as I understand his struggles with his internalized homophobia specially when placed in the context of the era in which he was a young man, Robert's approach

Ha ha ha, that's good to know.

Not even stoned could I do it.
Being high may exacerbate my reaction to her personality.

Exactly, I think it was Frankie who's problem was sciatica.
Clearly whoever wrote this has no idea what the heck they are talking about. Sciatic nerves could be used for torture effectively.

That is a view point I didn't consider.
Thanks for that.

As a back pain sufferer, I know for a fact that if your back is locked or in spasms, there is no way you could do what either of them did (at least not immediately), putting yourself in a sitting position brings out the tears due to the level of pain.
As someone else commented, definetly a filler episode.