

I don't agree with your viewpoint but, I see where you are coming from.

This season did not work for me. It felt as if the writers were too smart for their own darn good and not talented enough to pull it off.
Well, at least it is finally over.

"It never entered my mind" by Miles Davis was playing.

No worries, thanks for pointing it out. It's been corrected.

My point was about the will burning in the house. Many commenters tonight are sure of that fact.
Don't know if Chuck has a will or not, but, many who do keep the original in a fire proof spot like a safety box.

Some people keep their wills in safety deposit boxes to avoid losing it to a fire.

Chuck would never be that kind and compassionate to Jimmy.

I wondered about the pilot on a gas stove? Some modern ones have some electrical components

I think that ship has sailed, but, I hear you.

"although with his buyout, it's not like he couldn't purchase some folks to belittle."

For the first time in 3 seasons, Chuck's illness came through stronger than his repellent personality.
His descent into the madness of his illness was very hard to watch yet so well done. I agree with the reviewer, having no one to lord his superiority over is his biggest humiliation.
When he said to Jimmy that he

True, thanks for pointing that out.

You are very right, there was that moment.

If you remember in previous seasons, it was Jimmy who kept Howard from Pushing Chuck out of the firm by refusing to even consider any option Howard brought up whenever Chuck was hospitalized or spiraling.
That's why I understood the depth of Jimmy's outrage at Chucks actions earlier in the season.

I don't have to as it's my opinion and I am entitled to it. Even if you disagree with me.

I agree with you in liking Howard and the actor's portrayal.
In my eyes, as much as he played the bad guy to shield Jimmy, it was also done because Jimmy "handled" Chuck and his illness, making certain things easier for Howard.

God, I hope not.
He is as self serving as the rest of them……..

You forgot the "big lady" part of that statement.

Buttons and Mindy! Yeah!