
I feel like this season of TGF will be the working out the kinks and figuring out how to write within the context of a shorter season for the Kings and their team.
We are at episode 4 which is 40% of season 1 and I have no sense where the show is headed, this and last week's episode were OK on their own but taken in a

The justifications some go to, to not admit a clear mistake…..

I don't know which was the last season aired Stateside, but, the last two are worth watching.

I was commenting about the words and things people say during confessionals.
You are right, they do a lot a visual trickery in editing but, they can't use something you haven't said against you you.

That's very true Carpe.

Mary Berry has a new cooking show on BBC 2 "Mary Berry Everyday"
Although the episodes won't stay up long on YouTube, you may find it. I enjoyed the first episode.

I don't think any show that gets discussed on internet boards is free of unkind thoughts and people.
I agree that the comments you called out were out of line, same as the comments that week after week reduce Gail and Padma to sex and objectification.
I take what works, leave the rest, agree to disagree and don't paint

I see your point and understand your stance.

You forgot to use "bigly"

Dairy Queen may be insulted by that.

Whenever people complain about editing, I laugh while thinking; well it dit come out of your mouth.


For me it was when Sylva was sent home over her parfait. At that moment I declared her the winner.

I like them for quickfires where at times they are given proteins that are impossible to cook in the time given.
In elimination challenges where there is more time, maybe not as necessary?

That isn't how I interpreted that comment.

Yet she has returned twice more since those complaints.
Sometimes I think people complain when they don't like what they see…. I couldn't possibly be so horrible, it's the editing I tell you!

I do think Brooke is an overall nice person and very decent to others in the kitchen. I never saw her be downright unpleasant to anyone this season.
My problem with how the show presented her win all season long has nothing to do with her or her personality.

There are too many options to choose from to be annoyed by a TV show.

I don't care about his personal life.
I just don't enjoy his interactions with the bakers.

That is an interesting point.
Maybe not having pressure cookers in the finale is a good thing?