
Remember when he offered her commitment, she said no and broke up with him?
Maybe that's why.

Maturity on our parts…………..

Interesting distinction.
Thanks for pointing it out.

And Kelly Bishop must be the star of said show.

My apologies, I focused on the first part of your statement.

Thank you for bringing it to my attention. It WAS underwhelming for an interview.



But there's no growth or progression. With Richard's death, the money issue could've been handled leaving them free to come full circle in another way. Unfortunately I don't think it isn't viewed as duty onLorelei's end.
I also find it hard to believe that Lorelei was not provided for in some form by his will upon his

Or planting seeds for a follow up year or spinoff.

It also cane from someone who she admired at the time, looked up to and was the father of her boyfriend.

Name the coffee shop and I'll meet you there.
GG definitely does better with less Rory and Lorelei, I think those characters were conceived at the beginning of TV's attachment to very flawed leading characters that you can't quite get behind. These two are likable sometimes, that no longer happens today.

It was neither Spanish nor Portuguese although it had elements of both.

Emily Gilmore (Kelly Bishop) was always the best on this show, more so now in the re boot.

I knew it was a bunheads homage, I think that's the only reason Sutton was cast.
I agree with your choices as being a better fit.

I think that shows us who the writers consider interesting characters. They seem to have missed the boat with that whole waste of time, the long, long scenes of the play and, the forgetting Paul bit.

I was considering a re watch until I remembered how unlikable Rory and Lorelei could be at times.
I'll keep my memories for what they were.

I wish American TV was open to writing some shows as if there isn't a follow up season; many, many times, we would get better programs than we do in a regular basis.
Taken as whole, I enjoyed the 4 seasons in the life of the Gilmore women, I felt that Winter and Spring were the strongest.
Fall was OK, but felt written

I am with you, the only reason I didn't is that Netflix isn't easy to ff on my TV.

Although Summer made me laugh out loud a few times, I did not care for the episode.
When there are too many cameos a show runs the risk of creating stories for the sake of the appearances. This happened here, the unending terrible musical was there to showcase Sutton Foster; when I read of her casting, I remember