Also, that was so long, slow moving and unsatisfying in the end, it could be an Andy Reid 2-minute drill.
Also, that was so long, slow moving and unsatisfying in the end, it could be an Andy Reid 2-minute drill.
I would warn the NFL of a potential suit, but after looking at that picture, Pellman clearly has no idea how to put a decent one together.
Yeah! Fuck Science!
Third eye open, well done.
Nah, nobody would ever accuse them of being “full of stars”
Yeah but cycling isn’t a sport
He has a football season to worry about.
I always roll my eyes when coaches talk about “second chances.” I wish they would just say: “I’m being paid millions to win games, morals are for last place teams.”
“I did not see that coming.”
That’s a hefty contract. I guess there was no way the Bronco’s were gonna get Miller lite.
I guess now that he’s getting all the money he’ll be living the Miller High Life.
I guess this was a real Miller Genuine Draft 64 Lemonade???
Maybe I shouldn’t have tried for a third one.
Imagine if Penn State simply hadn’t commissioned the Freeh Report.
I like how the Trump campaign is blaming Tebow/RNC for this. Falling right in line with their trend of saying a thing, then calling the press liars for reporting on the thing they said.
Tebow bemoans the fact that “rumors” travel so fast
Lately I’ve been experimenting with turning my baseball cap around so that the brim is behind me. It seems counter-productive, sure, but I feel it projects a signal that I’m ready to party and would be open to the company of hot babes.
If only there were a date on the calendar somewhat close to New Year’s Eve ... a day where no one had to work and had nothing better to do than sit around watching college football ...
I don’t mind Christianity, I don’t even particuarly mind fundimental Christianity, but I will not be lectured on morals by anyone willing to support a narcissistic, hate-filled monster like Trump.
“Ooo someone from my stories!”
I suppose this is the inevitable start of Tim Tebow’s political career.
I don’t mind Christianity, I don’t even particuarly mind fundimental Christianity, but I will not be lectured on morals by anyone willing to support a narcissistic, hate-filled monster like Trump.
Is there anyway they can both lose the argument? I’d like to root for whatever that looks like. It’s like watching a debate between my arrogant elitist friend and bossy my know-it-all friend.
@WyldeChef: That's a nice sentiment, but to say that what she does is "much better then many many others who have been around far longer trying to get their work listened to in a serious setting" is both insane and insulting to the multitude of musicians and bands out there who make quality, thought provoking and…