Fritz Groszkruger

Danny Thompson spent days on his feet at last week’s Mecum auction talking to potential bidders and anyone else who stopped by and wanted to say hello, including me. My brief chat gave me a very limited impression of the man, but he seems like a good guy and he made a little joke at my expense that made me laugh. I

I can see Mecum doing the ole “This will bring a fortune, Danny. It’ll make a mint. We’ll put it in the circular, get some press, and it will go for millions. Just list it with us and sit back and collect the check (minus our 20%, of course).

The words “shall not be infringed” ring clear. I don’t know you, or where you’re from, but the second amendment has nothing to do with hunting deer, elk, hogs, or any other big game. It has everything to do with overthrowing tyrannical governments who assault the freedoms of the citizens whose power it comes from. If

its kind of mind boggling that this cheat even existed when the solution appears to have no major downside. and now they don’t even sell any diesels even though the fixed ones pass current emissions test and everyone seems to like them.

I sold my manual Passat back 3 years ago for over $19k (over $6k more than I paid for it 2 years before that) used the money to pay off all debt outside of house and school and you’re telling me I can essentially go back and get my car back with a new warranty for cheap again?!?  This is like Christmas!!!  Thanks VW

I owned a 2010 Touareg TDI. Excellent vehicle. Except for the insanely huge settlement ($30,000 for a 7-year old SUV with over 100,000 miles on it - I paid about $46,000 new), I would have driven it until the wheels fell off. I followed this very closely as it unfolded. So to answer,

The amount of confidence you have in a government operating efficiently and in the interest of anyone but itself is concerning. Low gas prices benefit everyone. There are better ways to fund roadway repairs and social programs than by raising taxes. The government and companies are already working to reduce emissions.

What would the price of gas be if oil companies had to fight their own wars?

So do we not care about the working poor at all? Gas prices affect them the most yet they’re hardly ever mentioned when raising taxes and prices is mentioned.

The government already “artificially” sets the price of gasoline by giving subsidies to oil and gas and underwriting their access to oil reserves through deploying our military and giving away public lands for pennies on the dollar. We just aren’t paying for those things at the pump, along with all of the other

I find it troubling that people want to assume the worst about her.”

Torch has some really interesting articles about all of that history.

True, the Japanese absolutely barbaric to the Chinese. True, Hitler wanted a peoples car and asked a talented engineer named Porsche to design it and Hitler turned out to be a real dick. Those people are dead though. We don’t want to forget the past, but we can’t hold the past against people that had zero point shit

The Volkswagen company was founded postwar, and it helped enable Germany to become a peaceful, prosperous, democratic nation after the war.

That’s awesome, and ‘67 is my favorite year.

Not crazy about the wide whites on this year or the domed hubcaps.. but, it looks like they were her preference.... very cool.

I understand what you are saying, but I don’t think it’s *reckless* driving in most cases.

Ah, good ole civil asset forfeiture, where the 4th Amendment and “Innocent until proven guilty” just don’t exist anymore.

“Follow the rules”

Following the rules (traffic laws) can put you in more unsafe situations than disobeying them. Don’t be the last vehicle in traffic if on two wheels. Statistically, its VERY unsafe, and yet forced on us by law. Split that traffic.

Blind compliance is silly.

The biggest thing, regardless of laws, is that dooring and right hooking are two of the most common cycling accidents, and both are avoided with more aggressive lane positioning.