Fritz Groszkruger

Vvirtue signaling will not solve this problem. The fact pointed out that whites also commit crimes says that the racism focus avoids issues that really need to be addressed.... the war on drugs and the welfare state replacing the need for families.

Sam kininson would have something to say about this. Unfortunately, we have to rely on past wisdom of his.

Interesting how it becomes a world where so many people have opinions and even power about how someone else should spend their own money .

Get out your checkbook Mr. Brownell.

GSW 2015 has it in the fuel door.

Wage and price controls. EPA. Carpet bombing of Cambodia. Breaking the dollar’s link to gold. Yes. He was a leftist. A conversation the left would rather not have is what constitutes left. It is big, redistributionist government.

Ah! A voice of reason on an alarmist site. Our 2015 after fix is not noticeably different. We are in Iowa. Can readily pass on two lane rolling blacktops. Have a 160,000 warrantee. Get 50mpg all the time. 2.5 gal of DEF lasts almost 10,000 miles. There sure seems to be plenty of self righteous environmentalism here to

In the bigger picture, laws that require us to act safely for our own good have created a society of nincompoops. Laws that replace critical thinking eventually replace all critical thinking.

Don’t ride to the right by parked cars. Ride like you are a car. You can’t see who’s going to open a door. Keep up with traffic or walk.

If GM wasn't bailed out, oh what a wonderful world. Rewards for failure never turn out well. "Is that a GM pickup?" "Yep. The lights don't work."

What is so bad about selling preproduction cars, comrade?

In 68 I had the choice of a new 67 or 68. The 67 won out for multiple reasons. Unfortunately, at 2004 miles a Roadrunner full of teenagers won out.

And today 14 million victims of US / Saudi genocide in Yemen. So do we boycott Walmart and Saudi oil? When you boycott a government it’s tax evasion. BTW, can’t quibble with the headlights when she gets discs all around. 

The article says 2wd

We need VW pickups so we can get away from gimmicky extemporaneous nonsense. Something a ltlle classier than an NFL touchdown celebration.

As long as we’re at it... bankruptcy is immoral.

Great reason to move to Venezuela. Goodbye.

Ride a bike. Take the bus. Hitchhike. Eat beans and rice prepared at home. Shop used instead of new. Until you can afford to pay cash. It’s time people lived within their means. And a lot of satisfaction comes with that, once it’s tried, instead of being trapped by loan sharks. Nobody owes you anything. Move on. Like a

Regulations have replaced critical thinking. The predators would find no victims if those victims had not developed a dependence on nanny.

Like social security.