Formerly known as "Misery In Missouri"

Exactly! We need a good laugh and something to really marvel at.

Despite your erroneous hot take, they won the Premier League last season by 10 points

Totally agree. I’m moreso a casual observer and fan of the PL as a whole. I just wish it had more parity. Last year was awesome, but I’m afraid we’ll never see something like that again. That being said, I hope Leicester can cash in on a huge continental title while they can. Of course plenty has to go their way.

It’s a bummer that Leicester City aren’t having a great follow-up season in the Premier League (as most expected), but if they somehow/someway win the Champions League in the next few months, that would be just the best.

Should’ve voted for Matt Stairs simply because he played for every baseball franchise ever to exist.

An STL/KC rivalry in MLS would be awesome, but honestly, this league is growing way too fast and too big.

“Good dog almighty!”

That was a bone-crunching hit.

Thank you. This is the video summary of 2016, itself.

This really had my hopes up that Paul Weller re-united The Style Council. (That’s my early Deadspin Up All Night entry)


High five to that man.

Now playing

At least one of them was thinking “Good Grief!”

The Chiefs won, and it’s great! But this game is proof that 2016 is Purgatory.

2 Fast or 2 Furious?

Joe Buck: “Talk about red skin, amirite?!?”

I remember being young and typing in WhiteHouse.com for news about President Clinton, and hhm yeah... definitely not news about the President. I imagine it was a website that Clinton himself may have frequented.

This is great, and thank you. This meets my daily quota of yelling “THROW THE BALL DOWN THE FIELD, ALEX. COME ON” in a much more quiet fashion.

Versus the Colts. It’s always the Colts.