Get that puke out! You’ll feel better! It’ll make you less of a downer.
Get that puke out! You’ll feel better! It’ll make you less of a downer.
Great game so far, from a neutral point of view. Cheers to whoever takes over the trophy from my Royals this year. Cheers to 2017.
I need 75 other people to go as “The Cardinals lost their ___ game”. Who’s in?
“The ConFLiCT” is the shittiest of shitty Limp Bizkit album working titles.
[Heckles, but still somewhat sympathizes with other fan]
My photoshop skills are lazy, but still... we found the new team logo!
“Have a seat right over there.”
Cheers to the Cubbies!
Let’s check in live on the scene with Peter Gammons. Peter!
In my lifetime, I’ve watched my Chiefs lose to the Colts in the playoffs on three different occasions, all in equally heartbreaking fashion: The Lin Elliot game (‘96), the no-punt shootout (‘04), and the 28-point lead lost in 28 minutes (‘14).
So at least one person in Buffalo in years previous bought a bootleg Kaepernick 49ers shirt and/or bought it just for putting it on a dummy for this tailgate. That works.
Upon first glance of that picture: If Trump has small baby hands, then Pence has the hands of a character from The Simpsons.
-2 weird Skywalker siblings kisses
See: Wrestlemania 23
“I can’t take anymore of this shit!”
Man, I don’t remember this scene from the second season of Twin Peaks.
Let’s all laugh at the voters, GOP congressmen and women over the next week who withdraw their support for Trump. (First up: Utah Rep. Jason Chaffetz). I’m so glad it will have taken this long for them to distance themselves from this shit bag.
Finally Clark Hunt’s finest hour since firing Carl Peterson: becoming a “Marine Todd”-esque meme.
CBS’ extended TV commercial--or as we know it, The Who’s Super Bowl XLIV halftime show--for their “number one show!” CSI and their hit “number one show!” CSI: MIAMI, and also their hit “number one show!” CSI: NEW YORK was pretty fucking awful.