Has there been a professional athlete in the last 15 years that has not donated a single minute or cent to charity work?
Has there been a professional athlete in the last 15 years that has not donated a single minute or cent to charity work?
Build empathy in the early years of childhood (hint - it happens on its own). Build competitiveness in adolescence. Your ability to help others is greater when you're sitting on top.
I see they are listed in order of ability to make free-agency decisions in a timely fashion
Blackface? That's racist.
Not if Rick Reilly beats him to it...
I still like the mural. I won't let a little black face paint set back years of hard work.
Duncan has..........not one.... not two....... not three....... not four.........but five championships.
this. is. awesome.
6. needs work: 10 years from now ppl will realize how boring the NBA was when an Eastern Conference can't get it's shit together.
I guess LeBron jerseys in Miami should be put on...
You should say it a third time just to make sure it's clear.
In an office somewhere in Miami, Pat Riley's trembling hand moves his mouse forward, to the font drop-down, and selects "Comic Sans"
More coming soon on this, obviously.
Both films did involve the future of LBJ.
That take was so hot it burned all the way to my subcutaneous tissue.
Why are you trying to make a non-issue an issue? Most Americans don't care if they are blue, black, green, etc. as long as they can put on a USA shirt and help the national team win. We aren't like certain countries that berate their best players based on the color of their skin, let's not start now.
Or, we could make the 2018 team all our best players regardless of what color they are.
Internet also says we didn't land on the moon. Also, chemtrails.
All depends who you're asking;