
I love when the people writing in lace their letter with humblebrags.

There are plenty of presets though if you’re not interested in making your own.”

I love doing this. Not only do I not have to worry about lunch the next day, but I also feel like I spent only like $5-8 on a meal over two days.

You see the problem is I can’t cancel “lying on the couch feeling like death for an indeterminate amount of time,” which is what mostly seems to eat up my time.

Of COURSE! The reason I haven’t had time to pursue my interests is because I’ve been using the wrong VERB and not because my shitty job has mandatory overtime and I can’t afford to quit due to the country’s shitty medical system. Thank you, Lifehacker. My problems are solved.

That’s all very tragic, and Hoping’s SO may very well kill herself. But the point that Dr. Nerdlove is making (and he is absolutely correct) is that that’s not Hoping’s problem. It sounds cold, it sounds harsh, but its the truth. No one can stop another person from harming themselves, and staying in a toxic

The problem with this blog is that this has never happened, ever, to anyone.

Sounds like “not watching movies and TV” would be a good hobby for you, then. But you’re probably aware that other people DO enjoy watching movies and TV.
What is the interesting thing, to you, about letting people know that you don’t enjoy TV and movies? It seems like a odd thing to talk about. It’s obviously not a

Then have them at home as nightcaps. You’ll enjoy them with the entertainment you like, wearing what feels comfortable and no worries about how to safely get home.

It particular bugs me that the third letter-writer accused the girl he was pining over of leading him on. I saw zero evidence of that in his letter. Dude, she’s actively been telling you this entire time that she is NOT interested. Try actually believing her. If she was lying, and really was trying to lead you on,


That’s a huge generalization and oversimplification in the first place, but there’s a great book that addresses your point. It’s a really eye-opening read: Scarcity: why having too little means so much. It discusses decision-making (and other behaviors) when you have limited resources (both time and money). Side note:

There’s a touching scene in Pixar’s Inside Out that plays with this concept (and is one of the major insights that drives the climax).

I mean they are a polish studio...

The “What is your current job” list is a bit of a joke. It’s all “what kind of doctor/manager/director/executive/A-list actor/Astronaut are you?

The fact that they have entire sections on venture capital and startup but no options for not renting makes me think this is tailored for specific people. The job options from which to select are limited, and I apparently already have the lowest possible cost of living possible because even if I move to some of the

I keep getting Boulder Colorado and Singapore. I dont know why

Yes, because my notebook is always enticing me to check out Facebook, email, etc. Sure, taking stenography is a waste of time. But writing notes does improve retention and recall, so there’s that.

They very likely are. X6-88(or whatever his name is) never mentions radiation affecting him, though he does mention it affecting the player. Curie (in her Gen 3 body) also mentions that radiation doesn’t affect her.

Jokes on you DiMA, I’m dying of radiation poisoning! Shove that in your philosophical conundrum about the meaning of being!