
A great website to help you prepare is getraised.com. Good luck!

Bad advice to working for the weekend. First off, you should have negotiated better in the beginning - if not for higher salary, than for time off or better benefits (flexible hours, etc). Second - you won’t get a raise unless you ask. Sounds like you’ve done job market research and if people with your


Am I the only one who thinks the first guy should see a therapist? He seems to have issues with being a caregiver for his brother - his statement about leaving his parents to care for his brother until they die was really heavy. What happens if they need care when they get older? His whole letter reads as if he has

I work from home most days & commute into my office once a week - Used to go in every day before they set up workflex. I couldn’t go back to being in an office 5 days a week. The time and money I save is valuable - I exercise more, cook more, sleep more, and I’m more productive at my work. I just turn off my computer

That’s a good point. Like everyone’s said I have watched the first season but I just don’t rewatch it. For anyone watching for the first time, give it a try but feel free to skip if you’re not laughing. You will be soon!

This is so useful. I have watched Parks & Rec more times than I can count but I always skip the first season and start in S2 closer to when Rob Lowe & Adam Scott are introduced.

I agree except I didn’t run into too many bugs. Titus Andromeda is the only Andromeda I need in my life.

No not the latest fallout game. Fallout 3! Or ME1.

Except I liked the characters in DA:I mostly. And the writing was good. The overall plot was underwhelming but it had interesting pieces like the quest in the palace where you switch between schmoozing and fighting.

I kept playing hoping it would get better, but it got worse. The only thing I liked was jumping around with a jet pack. Things I usually love about Bioware games were not there: the characters, writing, dialog... all seemed like it was trying to be Mass Effect but was a pale imitation. I think I ended around 60+ hours

I agree with your point about weddings, but I enjoy giving gifts to my parents and close friends. I love getting gifts for my husband but I’m so impatient I usually give it to him right away unwrapped.

What’s with all this nice guy stuff? Garrus was a grizzled ass ex-cop and a sniper! Maybe it’s how I steered him in my games (let him have revenge & assassinate that one dude) but I don’t see the nice guy thing. Plus he’s an alien who actually looks alien - Sorry asari but you are blue humans without hair.

This cheered me up so much tonight from a really rough day. The plot was forced, it was cheesy but in the best of ways. I love them all and want them to sing more! Barry & Kara are so freaking adorable. Just keep them together in their own show already!

Sorry I commented in the wrong post somehow.

That bothers me. It feels like they’re leaving things out. I get it’s a soft reboot type thing but I really like the more alien-looking species. I’d take that over blue space chicks.

Do the Quarians, Hanar, Volus, Elcor ever show up? It really bothers me that they’re like “The Quarians are bringing all the aliens with harder character design! We couldn’t be bothered to keep the diversity of alien species because of graphics limitations.” - At least that’s how it came across to me.

But what’s the difference between one world with a swampland, islands/ocean land, fairytale land, cities than multiple worlds with deserts, cities (new citadel), etc? You may be exploring multiple worlds but area-wise theres less to do in less space in ME than W3. Granted I’m only 9 hours in but I find driving the car

I don’t know if anyone is still reading this, but here’s my follow up: I got the ok from my doctor to try it and she adjusted the prescription so I can order it sooner. While I did “skip” my period, I have been spotting for a week on & off & still experienced some PMS symptoms before this started. I’m not sure when to

I just got to try black honey from last month’s Sephora Play box. I had not heard of it before but I love the formula.