Cardiac Linfarction


Do you have friends? Team Fortress 2 - especially since it's free and amazing.

Honey-wheat Wheatables will fuck your world up. They were like crack to me and I can't believe I'm off them now.

Sorry, I was born 4 years after Dirty Dancing came out; you'll have to make your hint a bit more overt.

I Hope I Never Get Arrested DUAN:

This is great right here.

Frankly I think the news media will always be sideways to political correctness.

Jeez that's great.

Now playing

This is a bit late, but I hope it'll cheer you up a bit more.

Das Boot-down

Name Change DUAN:

...And boom goes the dynamite. Thank you all for your continued support.

Apparently my pictures got dropped like an AT&T phone call. Here we go again...

There it is.

Wait for it...

Now playing

Do You Guys Know How To Post Videos To Facebook DUAN:

I'd much rather berate you 528 times with personal attacks on being pretentious and self-important enough to post your dreams here.

Better than some Super Bowl commercials.

The one where Drake gets shot should have gotten an Emmy, or at least its Canadian equivalent.