Cardiac Linfarction

Going with Atlanta: we only have stupid-hot and stupid-cold weather, just lost one major-league team, nobody really gives a shit about the others until they make playoffs/pennant, the city school system sucks, the north wants to segregate from the south (stunning role reversal!), and we're apparently the American hub

Right, it's plausible that if the US Government had a sentient AI in the 1980s that was capable of launching a nuclear strike, not only would they think that it's a good idea to have it connected to a phone line so that even some bored teenager could unknowingly set the events leading to WWIII into motion, they would

Wow. Tough break, Isiah.

I chuckled.

Now playing

What are the odds that I already had this open?

I am a sucker for Mary Kay Letourneau jokes. Spectacular.

I was with you until I got to Broman Empire. Then I lost it.

"For whatever reason, my four year old likes to silently creep into my room between three and four in the morning without making a sound and stand next to the bed at face level. I can't stress enough how horrifying it is to wake up with some dark figure standing in front of your face. Once I peel myself off of the

You > MKM > Tebow. I don't care what anyone says.

Stuck on Repeat DUAN:

If people are willing to pay 10 times too much for three feet of fucking copper wire, they're willing to pay 8 times too much for some fairly mediocre headphones.

I think Sharting locked up Joke of the Month on that post. That was EMS-level awful-funny.

You magnificent bastard. +1

Sex in jerseys = sex in Jersey.


Friendship Rubs The Lotion On Its Skin DUAN:

The Fucking Creepiest Thing You Will See Tonight DUAN:

A hundred-dollar bill inside a "sorry I puked up a demon on your shift" Hallmark card would be a good start.

Yes. Yes it is.