Cardiac Linfarction

I was gonna wonder what you were talking about until I realized I forgot the link to the podcast that, without which, my first paragraph makes no sense: [www.radiolab.org]

What Is The Measure Of A DUAN:

I Am Posting This Every Day Until Friday DUAN:

I Am Posting This Every Day Until Friday DUAN:

This is so much funnier than it should be to me.

I Am Posting This Everywhere DUAN:

"You're all Great"

You know how I know you're old? When you said B-Boys I thought "I haven't heard of that Backstreet Boys album."

As an incorrigible cynic, I find that movie's unchecked optimism about the human condition to be the biggest celluloid abortion ever made. It's like the Star Wars Christmas Special raised to the power of Gigli.

I have drawn Cyrus_the_virus.

Several kids were late to class because they could not part the veritable ocean of students clogging the hallways

Yet the gap between Butler and a NCAA championship is still as big as the average Hoosier's calves.

Hell, I haven't commented in a while.

"Hey, I'm going to fuck your lady like a champion today."

Funny, I think two Xs describes Cha quite well.

Your Own Children DUAN!

Glory Glory Hallelujah DUAN:

Happy Holiday Travels DUAN: