Cardiac Linfarction

I was thinking Mencia as I was writing my post, but I didn't know if he was still performing so I switched to Tosh.

Not So Funny Now, HUH?! DUAN:

+3000 Scoville units


When I grow up I wanna be just like you.

+1 box of chocolates

He was apparently born there, if Wikipedia is to be trusted.

Which one? The NY guy was about Timothy McVeigh and the LA one was about the Rodney King Riots.

Ah - then yeah, I missed it. Guess I just gotta hustle harder for that +1.

Funny or DUAN:

1995: New York man comes to blows with government officials.

1991: Grassroots social equality movements spring up through Greater L.A.

+1 free chance to set the Cuyahoga on fire

+1 small laugh for man

So you're saying Milton Bradley would contribute to a Monopoly on cocksucking? I can go with that.

"It's a dumb little question, that some government in some capital is going to have to make a decision on soon."

"Just don't expect S.E.N.S. fans to throw them a party."

That steward was really lucky - 20 minutes beforehand it was raining so hard those drivers wouldn't have Senna thing.

Those drivers' reactions are so fast, I Donohue they do it.
