
Say what you want about Kimye but this BABY?! beyond cute!! I can't!!!

I personally dont think that feminism equates to female domination. however, i do believe that so some people there is a negative connotation to it [being feminism]. The phrase "gender equality" should negate those negative connotations. And the fact that people are offended or angered by that shocks me.

OMG sometimes i can't. Even talking about gender equality enrages people?! Not trying to take over, EQUALITY?! im done

This is so damning because i feel like as a mom, you'd really want to help your daughter. i mean what do you do in a situation like this? this poor woman.

All of these sound horrible.

All of these sound horrible.

I just hope no one tries to get slick and smuggle things in their anus...once the TSA gets probablee cause for that type of search, i may never fly again!

you sound bitter, you should try adding more fruits to your diet! have a great day!

ART: the expression or application of human creative skill and imagination, producing works to be appreciated for their beauty or emotional power. I'm sorry since when does art or music have to take on a certain form? It may not appease YOU in particular but that doesn't mean its not art or artistic.

What they meant to say was, "we dont read anything we put out and we dont give a darn what you think"

pretty soon there's going to be no one left to play on the field?! this is crazy. are these new players also going to be dropped? Or does it only count if it on tape?

I would try leaving the bedroom as a room for only sleep or sex. This way when someone strictly wants the opportunity to sleep they can do so.

I feel like everything has a time and place. These flavored vodkas, IMO, are pretty decent when mixed. There's no point in having top shelf if its just going to be masked by pineapple,cranberry, or [insert soda]. They're also decently fun for parties. For a shot, I usually prefer something without the flavoring but

This is a joke, right? When am i supposed to start laughing?

No child left behind? SMDH

"A lot of our customers are graduating from fast fashion and trying to wrap their heads around how to spend $200 on a dress," says Ms. Mazur. Ms. Cerulo "

Now Sir, you couldn't have thought someone would hear rape room and assume it was a joke. Other jokes that are NOT jokes :

okay, do these people know how a miscarriage occurs? the fetus is expelled from the body before it is able to survive on its own. You dont have a choice in that.

He mentioned it in a song. He admits he had fell in love with Kim when she was dating Kris Humphries. He was also featured on the show flirting with her. I'm guessing he's neither a romantic or a creep. I'm guessing he was her other man.